2024 carbon footprint
CO2 emissions in total
In 2024, the total emissions of the Munich Re Foundation will amount to 568 tonnes of CO2. In addition to our own emissions, we also calculate the emissions caused by participants travelling to and from the events we organise. As a result, the events often generate the majority of our emissions – this was also the case in 2024, with around 515 tonnes (91%). By comparison, emissions from office operations (electricity, heating) and business trips were low at 8 tonnes (2%) and 43 tonnes (7%) respectively. Compared to the previous year, our carbon footprint decreased by approximately 400 tonnes.
CO2 emissions from events
To determine the emissions caused by an event, the journeys of all participants and speakers are included in the balance. In comparison, the short-term operation of the event rooms is marginal and negligible. At around 515 tonnes of CO2, the ‘International Conference on Inclusive Insurance’ in Kathmandu, Nepal, accounts for the largest share (99.9%). This is due to the long flight distances of some of the 500 participants. The series of dialogue forums in Munich contributed significantly less to emissions. As expected, it accounts for only a small share (0.58 tonnes, 1%) because participants usually come from the greater Munich area. Other events held by the foundation in 2024 were virtual.**
CO2 emissions from business operations
CO2 emissions from business operations (office and business trips) amount to just under 51 tonnes: 8 tonnes for the office (electricity and heating) and 43 tonnes for business trips. Air travel accounts for around 99% of the emissions here.*/**
Decline in total emissions
Compared to the previous year, the foundation's total emissions have decreased significantly. In addition to the measures to reduce emissions mentioned at the beginning, there are two factors that have contributed to this: in 2024, we did not hold a Climate Academy. In previous years, these accounted for a significant proportion of the total air travel from our events. In addition, we have updated the key figures for CO2 emission calculations and are using the official figures from the German Environment Agency (UBA). These differ from our previous indicators.
* To calculate the emissions of the head office, 1.6 t CO2 were calculated per employee (FTE). This figure is taken from the Munich Re Corporate Responsibility Report 2023.
** Emissions from air travel were calculated using figures published by the German Environment Agency (UBA). A flat rate of 100 km was assumed for each flight, and 50 km for each train journey.