International Conference on Inclusive Insurance 2020
Digital Edition
2 - 6 November 2020
Day 1 - 2 November 2020
Inclusive insurance amidst a pandemic
11:00 - 12:30 - Session 1 / Opening of the conference - The landscape of inclusive insurance 2020
The session will present the findings from the 2020 Landscape of Microinsurance study. The research focuses on 30 countries in Africa, Emerging Asia and Latin America. Combining extensive in-country primary research with analysis of the context for market development, the landscape study provides a unique benchmark for all stakeholders working in the field of inclusive insurance. The research is fundamental to improving the supply of insurance products and services designed to meet the needs of vulnerable, low-income households and MSMEs, and to increasing uptake. The results of the study not only enable cross-country comparison to identify factors critical to creating a fertile environment for inclusive insurance, but also provide insurers and distribution partners with much-needed insight into potential market size
Dirk Reinhard
Vice Chairman, Munich Re Foundation, Germany
Achim Steiner
Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, UNDP, United States
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Alice Merry
Financial Inclusion Consultant, Peru
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Garance Wattez-Richard
Head of AXA Emerging Customers, GIE AXA, France
Craig Churchill
Chief, ILO’s Social Finance Programme & Team Leader, Impact Insurance Facility, Switzerland
Katharine Pulvermacher
Executive Director, Microinsurance Network, Luxembourg
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14:00 - 15:30 - Session 2 / Inclusive Insurance responses to Covid 19
Gilles Renouil
Global Head of Insurance products, Womens World Banking, Switzerland
Shilpi Shastri
Strategic Advisory - Insurance, Women's World Banking
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Jordon Tait
Assistant General Manager – Commercial Lines, GK General Insurance, Jamaica
Rehan Butt
Chief Commercial Officer, MicroEnsure, Pakistan
Syed Nayyar Hussain
Director - Head of Department, Securities and Exchange Commission, Pakistan
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Craig Thorburn
Lead Financial Sector Specialist, The World Bank, United States
16:00 - 17:30 - Session 3 / Pricing inclusive insurance in the midst of a pandemic
Hosted by IAA’s Microinsurance Working Group
Pricing Microinsurance products can be a challenge. Often, there is limited data to work with. Then the actuaries arrive and complicate matters further. This session will consist of two parts. Firstly, it will explain the pricing of MI products using a simple health product as an example. The talk will be interactive, gathering pricing data from the audience to demonstrate a method to obtain relevant pricing data where none is available – the typical scenario. The second part considers the impact of major risk events such as natural disasters or pandemics on claims and pricing. Most people consider only the immediate impact, such as deaths during a hurricane. But there are long-term and permanent consequences that must be considered, such as increased poverty, health risks and mortality. Speakers will draw on their experiences from events such as hurricanes and the Covid-19 pandemic. The objective is to help practitioners improve pricing and risk mitigation, especially following a major event.
Denis Garand
Denis Garand and Associates, Canada
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Jeff Blacker
Independent Consulting Actuary, USA
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Nigel Bowman
Co-founder, Inclusivity Solutions, South Africa
Day 2 - 3 November 2020
Inclusive insurance against climate risks
9:00 - 10:30 - Session 4 / Public Private Partnerships for inclusive insurance against climate risks: What works and what does not?
Hosted by the ILO´s Impact Insurance Facility
PPPs are often promoted as an effective mechanism for developing insurance programmes. Nevertheless, outcomes in efficiency and sustainability of operations continue to offer mixed results. Building on the lessons learned thus far, the session will dive deeper into the different aspects in which governments can support efforts to scale up agriculture, climate and disaster risk insurance to make the products more accessible and responsible: “do no harm”. The various ways in which the private sector can engage with the government, not only to leverage, but also to create a platform for scalable and efficient insurance programmes, will be examined. Along with government and insurers, the session also probes perspectives of intermediaries for product development, awareness creation and distribution, and loss assessment and verification, to unveil the success factors, improvement opportunities, and to evaluate the positioning of insurance for risk reduction and building resilience.
Srinivasan Iyer
Programme Manager, Ford Foundation, India
Mario Wilhelm
Head Middle East & Africa, Swiss Re, Switzerland
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Munyaradzi Daka
Consultant, Agro Consortium, Uganda
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Emily Coleman
Agricultural Insurance Lead, INSURED, PARM, IFAD, Italy
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Pranav Prashad
Senior Technical Officer, ILO, Switzerland
11:00 - 12:30 - Session 5 / This role of mobile in scaling index insurance
Over the last 10 years, insurance services have been using mobile and satellite technology to digitalise service creation and delivery, enhancing their scalability. However, service providers face a variety of challenges, such as poor availability of historical and current weather data, distributing their services efficiently, and cost-effective ways to collect premiums and pay out claims. Mobile technology adds value to the insurance value chain by enabling, contextualising and delivering services. Alongside the well-understood benefits of using mobile channels for service delivery, data from mobile networks can complement satellite data to overcome the challenge of data scarcity. This session looks at how mobile network operators can use their assets to drive the adoption of index insurance services in developing countries.
Simon Schwall
CEO, OKO, Israel
Pranav Prashad
Senior Technical Officer, ILO, Switzerland
Rishi Raithatha
Senior Advocacy Manager, GSMA Mobile Money Programme, UK
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14:00 - 15:30 - Session 6 / Macro, meso, micro: Practical experiences at all levels of parametric insurance
Hosted by the Microinsurance Centre at Milliman
Parametric insurance and modelling are used by national governments and organisations in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) to help micro entrepreneurs and other low-income populations manage the climate and catastrophe risks they face. This session explores the nuances and lessons of parametric insurance and modelling, including partnerships and model applications, and provides examples of how these solutions provide fast and reliable responses to catastrophic events, the potential for scaling, and increased protection for low-income populations. The panel will also look at the role of parametric insurance in the face of climate change.
Matt Chamberlain
Principal and Consulting Actuary, Milliman, United States
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Iker Llabres
Business Manager for El Salvador and Actuarial Officer, MiCRO, United States
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Isaac Anthony
CEO, CCRIF SPC, Cayman Islands
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Indira Gopalakrishna
Microinsurance Specialist, MicroInsurance Centre at Milliman, Singapore
16:00 - 17:30 - Session 7 / Quality Index Insurance Certification (QUIIC)
Hosted by CEAR
Poor farmers in emerging economies often face a high risk of losing crops to drought or other weather-related catastrophes. Agricultural index insurance is a promising risk-transfer tool for smallholder farmers, allowing them to invest more in productive inputs and recover better in the event of shocks. However, households currently have no way to tell whether and when a contract will fail them in a time of need just by looking at its terms and cost. UC Davis is partnering with the Nairobi-based Regional Center for Mapping of Resources for Development (RCMRD) to establish a technical lab to refine and measure index insurance quality. RCMRD will apply the QUIIC objective quality standards to determine whether a product merits certification for meeting a minimum level of quality. For individual farmers, QUIIC certification ensures a basic level of transparency for complicated insurance products made available to rural households. This certification would allow farmers to tell the difference between an index insurance contract that offers real value from one that doesn’t. It also allows donors and governments to invest in products certified to have the potential to accelerate and protect economic growth.
Michael Carter
Professor, University of California, MRR Innovation Lab, USA
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Lilian Ndungu
Thematic Lead - Agriculture and Food Security, Regional Centre for Mapping of Respurces for Development (RCMRD), Kenya
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Munyaradzi Daka
Uganda Agro Insurance Consortium (AIC)
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Glenn Harrison
C.V. Starr Chair of Risk Management & Insurance, Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University, USA
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Day 3 - 4 November 2020
How to reach scale and develop inclusive insurance markets
9:00 - 10:30 - Session 8 / Integrated risk management solutions
Hosted by ILO's Impact Insurance Facility
By reducing the financial burden of shocks, insurance can enable low-income people to get out and stay out of poverty. But there are limitations to insurance as a solution. To be more effective, insurance should be part of a broader menu of financial services that includes savings, credit, and money transfers, and which can collectively enable the working poor to manage a diverse range of risks. But instead of a product menu, is it possible to create an integrated risk management solution? The panel will explore the following questions. If risk management is so important, then why are integrated solutions not widely available? Does access to insurance improve saving behaviour? How can organisations overcome operational challenges related to bundling solutions? What digital tools can be leveraged to improve access to and understanding of clients and outreach?
Floriano Hilot
CEO, Oro Integrated Cooperative, The Philippines
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Nikhil AC
Head - Liability Products, Dvara KGFS, India
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Sicco van Gelder
Director Demandside Financing, PharmAccess Foundation, Netherlands
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Aparna Dalal
Senior Technical Officer, ILO's Impact Insurance Facility, Switzerland
11:00 - 12:30 - Session 9 / How digitalization can spur market growth: Insights from Egypt, Ghana, and Morocco
Hosted by GIZ
Digitalisation in the insurance industry that has been spurred by the Covid-19 crisis has raised the need for regulators to adopt proportionate approaches that enable innovation. The session will present the journeys of three regulatory authorities at different stages of m-insurance market development.
Andrea Camargo
Risk Financing Consultant, Inspowering, UK
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Mohamed Feriss
Head of Department, ACAPS, Morocco
Mathilda Ström
Deputy CEO, BIMA, UK
Kofi Andoh
Deputy Commissioner of Insurance, National Insurance Commission, Ghana
Wolfgang Buecker
Head of Sector Programmes/Cluster Financial Systems Development and
Global Initiative for Access to Insurance, GIZ, Germany
Hui Lin Chiew
Advisor, Access to Insurance Initiative , Germany
14:00 - 15:30 - Session 10 / Lessons learnt developing national strategies
Dante Portula
Senior Advisor, GIZ, Philippines
Kemibaro Omuteku
Head of Insurance, Financial Sector Deepening Trust (FSDT), Tanzania
Eduardo Morón
President, APESEG, Peru
Lemmy Manje
Founder and CEO, FinProbity Solutions, Zambia
16:00 - 17:30 - Session 11 / Leveraging sovereign insurance to build scale
Hosted by MCII
Participants of this session will be provided with tips and the tools needed to achieve success in scaling up microinsurance products. The session will discuss the role of sovereign-level facilities, how projects focusing on microinsurance can leverage the knowledge and experience of other climate risk insurance schemes, the importance of engaging multiple stakeholders and sectors, and how differentiated products allow individuals to buy the product that most meets their needs.
Isaac Anthony
CEO, CCRIF SPC, Cayman Islands
Matthew Branford
Acting Accountant General, Department of Finance, Government of Saint Lucia, Saint Lucia
Dean Romany
President, Guardian General Insurance Limited, Trinidad and Tobago
Dirk Kohler
Insurance Advisor, MCII, Germany
Elizabeth Emanuel
Corporate Communications Manager/Technical Assistance Manager, CCRIF SPC, Cayman Islands
Jennifer Phillips
Associate Project Manager, Munich Climate Insurance Initiative, Germany
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Day 4 - 5 November 2020
New products and solutions to increase insurance outreach
9:00 - 10:30 - Session 12 / Insurance from a distance: Using remittances to increase protection
Michele Grosso
Founder and CEO, Democrance, UAE
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Kate Rinehart-Smit
Senior Associate, Cenfri, South Africa
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Michal Matul
Head of VAS, consumer insights and training, AXA Emerging Consumers, France
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Craig Churchill
Chief, Social Finance Programme, ILO, Switzerland
11:00 - 12:30 - Session 13 / Developing insurance markets for SMEs
Hosted by the Microinsurance Network and GIZ
SMEs are a significantly underserved target market by insurers. At the same time, the risks faced by this economically vital group are barely understood. This becomes even more apparent during the current worldwide Covid-19 crisis that puts the economic viability of many SMEs at unprecedented risk. Formal insurance products are a promising tool to increase the resilience of SMEs, spur business investments and, thereby, contribute to enterprise growth. However, uptake of insurance remains low among SMEs and SMEs generally remain a peripheral target market for insurers. Consequently, the guiding questions of this will be: How can insurers, InsurTechs, distributors, governments, donors, etc. act to better understand and serve SMEs with insurance that effectively meets their needs? How could insurance help SMEs to cope with the immediate and long-term effects of the Covid-19 crisis and better prepare them for similar crises in the future? How could non-insurance products be part of a comprehensive risk management solution that an insurer presents to an SME? Moreover, the main findings of a learning note prepared by the Microinsurance Network’s Best Practice Group on Insurance for MSMEs will be presented to underpin the panel discussion.
Jeremy Gray
Resilience Team Lead, The Centre for Financial Regulation and Inclusion (Cenfri), South Africa
Monirul Hoque
Planning Manager, Microinsurance, BRAC, Bangladesh
Siani Malama
Head of Business Development & Inclusive Insurance, Hollard, Zambia
Gregor Sahler
Advisor, GIZ, Germany
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14:00 - 15:30 - Session 14 / Innovative distribution models - High touch vs. low touch: Is face to face really necessary?
Hosted by EA Consultants
One of the continued challenges of offering inclusive insurance is the cost of distributing small policies to low income populations en masse. Microfinance has been one important channel where mobile money has been slow to take off. However, even microfinance with its high-touch distribution model can prove expensive. The session will discuss experience from existing programmes and research. It will discuss how to reduce the “touch” of the loan officer visit, testing various methods including sales and pre-sales through a call centre, SMS and voice promotions, as well as loan officer sales. These methods and innovative approaches were accelerated in their implementation as a result of Covid-19 and social distancing. The session will also discuss some of the consumer protection challenges faced when selling a new and unfamiliar product without face-to-face contact, and make recommendations for tools to mitigate those challenges while maintaining a lower-touch approach to distribution based on the pilot findings.
Ashokh Shah
Group CEO, Apollo Group / APA Insurance, Kenya
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Francisco Reyes
Co-founder & CEO, Mango Life, Mexico
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Mauricio Osorio Sanchez
President, Crezcamos, Colombia
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Barbara Magnoni
President, EA Consultants, United States
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16:00 - 17:30 - Session 15 / Analysing the client value of hospital cash products
Hosted by the Microinsurance Network and ILO's Impact Insurance Facility
Hospital cash, in its various forms, has proven to be one of the more viable inclusive insurance products on the spectrum of health insurance for the emerging consumer. The Microinsurance Network’s Best Practice Group (BPG) on Health and Financial Inclusion conducted a study to analyse the client value of such hospital cash products from Latin America, Africa and Asia. This session will present the results, as well as an explanation of the methodology used, namely the PACE tool developed by the ILO’s Impact Insurance Facility. Aside from sharing insights from the research, the session will also provide opportunity for discussion about hospital cash insurance and how to develop the global market so that this product line can reach its full potential in contributing to social and economic development, as well as business sustainability. In addition, and given the Covid-19 pandemic, special attention will also be given to the role of telemedicine, and how this has been utilised and valued by the end client.
Neto Ikpeme
Founder and CEO, Wellahealth, Nigeria
Erik Jarrin Peters
Head Latin America - Life Division, Barents Re, United States
Anne-Sophie Triboulet
Microinsurance Project Manager, Women’s World Banking, Uganda
Lisa Morgan
Technical Officer, ILO's Impact Insurance Facility, Switzerland
Day 5- 6 November 2020
Lessons learnt and next steps
9:00 - 10:30 - Session 16 / Technology driving Inclusive Insurance
Brandon Mathews
CEO, Stonestep, Switzerland
Rohan Kumar
CEO and Co-founder, Toffee Insurance, India
Jeremy Leach
Founder & CEO, Inclusivity Solutions, South Africa
Richard Leftley
Executive Vice President International, Micro Insurance Company, United Kingdom
11:00 - 12:30 - Session 17 / The ups and downs of Inclusive Insurance: Learning from experience
Peter Gross
Senior Advisor, AXA Emerging Consumers, United States
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Agrotosh Mookerjee
Managing Director and Chief Actuary, Risk Shield, Zambia
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Lorenzo Chan
CEO, Pioneer Life, Philippines
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Michael McCord
Managing Director, Microinsurance Centre at Milliman, United States
14:00 - 15:30 - Session 18 / Outlook: What will be the next milestones in the development of Inclusive Insurance / Closing the insurance gap?
Denis Duverne
Chairman, Axa, France / Chair of the Insurance Development Forum, UK
Vijaya B. Shah
CEO, Nepal Insurance Company, Nepal / President of the Association of Insurers and Reinsurers of Developing Countries (AIRDC)
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Doubell Chamberlain
Managing Director, Cenfri & Chairman of the Microinsurance Network
Jan Kellett
Special Advisor: Finance Sector Hub, UNDP, Switzerland
Katharine Pulvermacher
Executive Director, Microinsurance Network, Luxembourg
Dirk Reinhard
Vice Chairman, Munich Re Foundation
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Meet the speakers of the #ICII2020 - Digital Edition
Watch the video to see the ICII 2020´s sessions and speakers.