International Conference on Inclusive Insurance 2022
Kingston, Jamaica
Agenda 24 - 28 October 2022
Day 1 - 24 October 2022 - Pre-conference workshops
9:00 - 12:30 / Talk of the Town: Workshop 1 - Training workshop on index insurance best practices for regulators and practitioners in the insurance sector
Hosted by UNCDF
Hannah Grant
Head of Secretariat, Access to Insurance Initiative (a2ii), Germany
Krishnan Narasimhan
Global Lead Specialist and Programme Manager, UNCDF, Fiji
Agrotosh Mookerjee
Risk Shield Consultants, Index-insurance actuary and team leader of the best practice guidelines research (online), Zambia
Esala Masitabua
Deputy Governor, Reserve Bank of Fiji
Sawsan Eskander
Actuarial Consultant, Risk Shield Limited, Zambia
Shriya Sundaram
Partnerships Coordinator, UNCDF Pacific, India
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Index insurance offers many opportunities for innovation and thinking outside the box. This way of thinking has already inspired the development of a novel product: the first ever climate and disaster risk parametric microinsurance, led by UNCDF’s flagship Pacific Insurance and Climate Adaptation Programme (PICAP). In this training workshop, we will explore the best-practice guidelines for regulators, insurers and governments, and gain an understanding of how to create a favourable ecosystem for the development of insurance products, while touching upon the sustainability and continuity of the product.
Some of the topics that we will cover in the two sessions include:
1. Understanding UNCDF PICAP’s experience of deploying market-based parametric microinsurance, its early results, and expansion plans that are underway
2. What are the regional factors, market conditions, and regulations around the globe that are related to parametric insurance? We will address these questions as we invite regulators from different countries to talk about their experiences.
3. Considerations regulators need to keep in mind when evaluating an index and monitoring risk management, consumer protection, financial viability and profitability
4. Best-practice considerations for other stakeholders to provide an enabling environment for index insurance and to continue developing and improving on index insurance products
The session will be divided into two panel discussions/presentations on key findings and recommendations from the study (one for the industry and one for supervisors), followed by Q&As. Next, there will be an activity/break-out session where the attendees work in groups to complete, for instance, an exercise requiring them to draw up a generic roadmap showing reasonable ways to introduce regulations for index-based solutions, including challenges and solutions.
9:00 - 12:30 / Legacy Suite: Workshop 2 - ATLAS Life Insurance Simulation
Hosted by Illinois State University
James Jones
Executive Director, Katie School at Illinois State University, United States
Steve Crook
Consultant Katie School at Illinois State University, United States
The ATLAS Life Insurance Simulation is based on a strategic business game involving the management of a life insurance company. Working in teams, participants run an established mid-sized life company in an emerging European market. Using a computer-based simulation, teams determine and then record a business strategy.
The process involves making decisions in two product categories (protection and regular savings) and two routes to market (direct sales force and independent financial advisors).
Participants have access to past performance measures and management accounts, and to information about the market and the competitive environment.
The simulation can be run for up to five decision years, but, for the purpose of this event, will be run for just one decision year. Performance is assessed using a balanced scorecard of financial and non-financial measures, with a model to decide the winning team, where appropriate.
The Challenge
The key stages of the challenge are:
- Analysis – of the market and the needs of the target policyholders
- Business plan. Key business decisions include:
- Pricing strategy
- Incentivising agents and independent financial advisors
- Spending on corporate advertising and product-specific marketing
- Expenditure on information systems, staffing and salaries
- Management of investment funds
- Strategy Implementation. Teams will be able to explore alternative strategies before implementing decisions.
- Feedback and review. Actual results will be evaluated to demonstrate each plan’s relative merits. Criteria for the winning team will be based on a balanced scorecard of measures.
14:00 - 17:30 / Legacy Suite: Workshop 3 - Partnerships that work: Leveraging PPP collaboration to reach 500 million people by 2025
Hosted by IDF’s Inclusive Insurance Working Group
Miguel Solana
Inclusive Insurance Specialist, UNDP, Turkey
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Astrid Zwick
Head of the InsuResilience Global Partnership Secretariat, Germany (online)
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Katharine Pulvermacher
Executive Director, Microinsurance Network, Luxembourg
Kathy Baughman McLeod
Sr. Vice President & Director, Adrienne Arsht – Rockefeller Foundation Resilience Center, USA (online)
Ruth Lux
Head of Public Sector EMEA, Guy Carpenter, UK (online)
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Ekhosuehi Iyahen
Secretary-General, Insurance Development Forum, UK
This session will discuss the enhancement – at the global, regional and national level – of public-private partnership models that are aimed at increasing climate and overall risk resilience across the world, thus supporting the InsuResilience Global Partnership Vision 2025: to deliver the benefits of insurance and climate resilience to 500 million people by 2025, of which 150 million should be protected by microinsurance.
Showcasing the Insurance Development Forum (IDF)’s Inclusive Insurance Working Group and Sovereign and Humanitarian Solutions Working Group as potential launchpads whose model could be replicated, we will discuss complementary approaches and look at existing platforms and new collaborations between the public and the private sectors. In doing so, we will assess the gaps and derive courses of action for launching and scaling up micro-, meso- and macro-level insurance schemes to support social protection systems.
We will also hear feedback from national partners involved in local programmes and understand how different initiatives map to the inclusive insurance uptake across regions and countries.
14:00 - 17:30 / Talk of the Town: Workshop 4 - Coping with climate risk in Small Island Developing States (SIDS): Workshop on disaster risk financing, inclusive insurance, and shock-responsive social protection
Hosted by the ILO / CCRIF / MCII
Elizabeth Emanuel
Head, Technical Assistance Manager Team and Head, Corporate Communications Manager Team, CCRIF SPC, Cayman Islands
Associate Project Manager, Munich Climate Insurance Initiative, Germany
Mariam Parekhelashvili
Project Associate with Institute for Environment and Human Security at the United Nations University in Bonn, Germany
Pranav Prashad
Senior Technical Officer, ILO's Impact Insurance Facility, Switzerland
This is a half-day, pre-conference workshop-cum-training session. The ILO’s Impact Insurance Facility will conduct and facilitate the session along with CCRIF SPC and the Munich Climate Insurance Initiative.
The interactive workshop will explore the natural hazard landscape of SIDS and drivers of vulnerability in the Caribbean and Pacific Nations, exploring similarities and differences in the multi-hazard environment of the two regions. Accordingly, it will help develop the SIDS’ risk profiles with respect to natural hazards, and examine the exposure and vulnerability of individuals and enterprises. Building on this, the participants will explore the links between the management of natural disasters and fiscal and debt sustainability by understanding disaster risk financing instruments, including insurance at the macro, meso and micro level.
The participants will take away lessons learned, best practices, challenges and opportunities, and engage in a real South-South cooperation dialogue.
The workshop will also examine the impacts of risks and shocks on people, bring the dimensions of social protection into focus and evaluate its effectiveness along with inclusive insurance as a shock-responsive mechanism. It will explore the linking of shock-responsive social protection to insurance, disaster risk management and financing. The focus will be on areas such as the use of inclusive insurance solutions in social protection policies and strategies, and how it can be incorporated as a component of financial inclusion in the region.
The workshop potentially serves as a professional development session to attract conference participants, including those from the Ministries of Finance, Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Management, Social Development/Social Protection, Gender Affairs and Community Development, private-sector insurance companies, civil society organisations, regional organisations such CDEMA, development partners and donors.
Day 2 - 25 October 2022
9:00 - 10:30 / Ballroom: Opening of the ICII 2022
Welcome notes
Sharon Donaldson
President, IAJ, Jamaica
Katharine Pulvermacher
Executive Director, Microinsurance Network, Luxembourg
Dirk Reinhard
Chairman of the Conference Steering Committee - Vice Chair, Munich Re Foundation, Germany,
Orville Johnson
Executive Director, IAJ, Jamaica
The Honourable
Dr. Nigel Clarke DPhil, MP
Minister of Finance and the Public Service, Jamaica
11:00 - 12:30 / Ballroom: Plenary 1 - Reaching scale in small markets: Regulatory harmonisation in the Caribbean
Hosted by a2ii
C. Samantha Jn. Paul-Samuel
Legislative Drafting Consultant/Attorney-at-law, Saint Lucia/USA
Hugo Lecue
Task Team Leader – Financial systems, Agence Française de Développement, France (online)
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Rosemarie Henry
Cuna Caribbean Jamaica Ltd, Vice President Risk & Compliance, Jamaica
Denis Felix
Executive Director, Grenada Authority for the Regulation of Financial Institutions (GARFIN), Grenada
Hannah Grant
Head of Secretariat, Access to Insurance Initiative (a2ii), Germany
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In addition to providing financial stability and consumer protection, insurance supervisors have a critical role to play in market development. In smaller markets such as the Caribbean islands, reaching scale is a challenge for insurers. This is especially true in the inclusive insurance sector, leaving markets, and especially the most vulnerable populations, with insufficient coverage against a variety of risks. Developing common single market rules or recognising the insurance laws of neighbouring countries can ease market access and help providers to reach scale. This is particularly relevant when it comes to innovative solutions for lowering distribution costs or reducing the compliance burden associated with having to deal with multiple licensing regimes or product approval requirements.
There are a several examples of regional harmonisation efforts. These vary from a block of countries bound by a single rulebook and a single authority holding enforcement powers, such as the Conférence Interafricaine des Marchés d'Assurances (CIMA), to regional groups without any single enforcement authority but with non-binding ‘model laws’ to encourage harmonisation, such as the United States. A few other regional initiatives are also underway. These include one by the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union (ECCU), which launched a project in 2015 with the primary objective of establishing a single insurance and pension market. A draft law has now been finalised. This law could considerably ease the cost of doing business across the Caribbean region and thus facilitate the provision of inclusive insurance in the region.
During this panel discussion, we will learn about the key features of the draft bill and get perspectives from both industry and regulators from the region. We will also take the opportunity to learn from regional harmonisation efforts elsewhere by hearing the moderators’ knowledge of other regional initiatives and the experiences of France’s AFD when working closely with CIMA in West Africa.
14:00 - 15:30 / Ballroom: Parallel session 1 - Towards a global shield against climate risk – The local perspective
Hosted by GIZ
Reinhard Palm
Deputy Head of the Climate Policy Division, German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany (online)
> survey
Joan Thompson
General Manager, Jamaican Co-operatives Insurance Agency Ltd. (JCIA), Jamaica
Bilal Anwar
CEO, NDRMF, Pakistan (online)
Geneva Oliverie
Development Specialist, Caribbean Policy Development Centre, Barbados
Siraz Hirani
Senior Programme Management Specialist, Mahila Housing Trust (MHT), India (online)
Carlos Boelsterli
Matthias Range
Head Risk Finance & Insurance, GIZ, Germany
Kay Tuschen
Advisor Secretariat of the InsuResilience Global Partnership (IGP), Germany
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The urgent needs of vulnerable countries and people in the face of increasing climate risks need to be better addressed. Building on the InsuResilience Global Partnership, Germany – through its 2022 presidency of the G7 – wants to substantially strengthen the global Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance (CDRFI) architecture and is calling on stakeholders to work together towards a “global shield against climate risks”. The aim is to foster more systematic, coherent and sustained financial protection, in turn contributing to the effort to minimise, avert and address losses and damage from climate change.
This session host will share the vision of the global shield and invites a broad audience to discuss critical factors with respect to how efforts by local civil society organisations (CSOs), non-government organisations (NGOs) and the local financial sector can systematically be included. The only way the global shield can be inclusive, effective, and enable sustainability in the long run is by ensuring it is enshrined on a local level.
The session includes an opening statement by the BMZ, followed by a hybrid five-chair fishbowl discussion in which representatives of local CSOs, NGOs and the financial/insurance sector are encouraged to participate. There will also be ad hoc polls (hybrid) on suggestions raised during the discussion so as to include as many (local) voices from the audience as possible.
14:00 - 15:30 / Talk of the Town: Parallel session 2 - Digital tools to reach the customer
Barbara Magnoni
President, EA Consultants, USA
Can Insurance Convince Women to Adopt Financial Technology? The Case of Mexico
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Sinja Buri
Project Manager at the Munich Climate Insurance Initiative, United Nations University-Institute for Environment and Human Security, Germany
The power of word-of-mouth: Innovative consumer education approaches in small island states
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Natalia Lopez Uris
Senior Policy Advisor – International Affairs, National Superintendence of Insurance, Argentina
Women and Insurance - Innovation Lab Experience (online)
Charlotte Rønje
Founder and CEO, Jamii.on, Denmark
Zufan Abebe
CEO, Nib Insurance Company, Ethiopia (online)
Affordable life insurance to traditional associations in Ethopia (online)
Craig Churchill
Head, Social Finance Programme, ILO, Switzerland
14:00 - 15:30 / Legacy Suite: Parallel session 3 - How can we ensure that PPPs are successful in developing the insurance market?
Hosted by the ILO
Hugo Lecue
Task Team Leader – Financial systems, Agence Française de Développement, France (online)
Ovia Tuhairwe
CEO, Radiant Yacu MicroInsurance Company, Rwanda
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Thomas Njeru
CEO and Co-Founder, Pula, Kenya
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Pranav Prashad
Senior Technical Officer, ILO, Switzerland
Governments are increasingly using insurance to achieve public policy objectives, especially those related to food security and climate change adaptation. They employ various approaches to develop the insurance market, such as integrating insurance into agricultural policy; assisting nascent programmes with moving beyond the pilot stage; acting as independent and credible facilitators; or incentivising private players to participate by providing subsidies, reinsuring risks or establishing pools of insurers.
Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and the ILO’s Impact Insurance Facility have launched a new project to examine how PPPs can be structured and implemented to effectively combine the strength of the public and private sectors.
The session will help the audience appreciate the mechanisms that governments can employ with the private sector. It will present the lessons from our work in supporting PPPs and showcase new approaches being used by partners. Specifically, it explores the following aspects:
- When does it make sense to establish a new public-private entity? The experience of Ghana: establishing a pool of insurers, GAIP; and of Senegal: using a public insurer, CNAAS, to develop the market
- How can public-private partnerships be structured and implemented in delivering scalable insurance? Pula Advisors share their experience of setting up PPPs in Zambia & Nigeria
- How can governments incentivise private insurers to participate? Lessons from Rwanda on the experience of Radiant, the leading and only domestic private insurer in the scheme
- How can the government set up a national strategy to include insurance as part of the financial and rural market development plan? The role of the regulator, insurance association and private insurance players; lessons from Peru based on the experience of the MIDAGRI (ministry) and SBS (supervisor).
- What is the role of a donor or multilateral agency? AFD shares lessons based on various projects to support financial sector development
14:00 - 15:30 / Rio Bueno Suite: Parallel session 4 - How to create an enabling environment for research on Inclusive Insurance
Research plays an important role in understanding the impact of inclusive insurance. What works, what doesn't work? Which parameters influence the management of risks of lower income groups? What is the role of the different stakeholders? How can the understanding of insurance be improved? And what effect do insurance policies have on the economic situation of people in a wide variety of regions?
There is a great deal of research on insurance. In addition to academics, various institutions also publish their research results. But often the results are discussed among specialists and do not reach the practitioners. This session aims to develop recommendations on how to improve the framework for research in inclusive insurance, make the results more accessible, and bring together topics, researchers and financial resources more easily.
Michael McCord
Managing Director, MicroInsurance Centre at MILLIMAN, United States
Glenn Harrison
C.V. Starr Chair of Risk Management & Insurance and Director of the Center for the Economic Analysis of Risk (CEAR), Georgia State University, United States
16:00 - 17:30 / Ballroom: Plenary 2 - Inclusive Insurance in Jamaica
Hosted by IAJ
Jordon Tait
Assisatant General Manager - Commercial Lines, GK General Insurance, Jamaica
Daisy Coke O.J.
Actuary and Trustee, Tourism Workers Pension Scheme, Jamaica
Katrina Grant - D'Aguilar
Business Relationship Officer, Co-operative Credit Union League, Jamaica
Georgia Morrison
Assistant VP Sales, Cuna Caribbean Jamaica Ltd, Jamaica
Elizabeth Smith
Senior Insurance Analyst, Financial Services Commission, Jamaica
Michael J. McCord
Managing Director, Microinsurance Centre at Milliman, United States
This session will discuss opportunities and barriers for market development in Jamaica
Day 3 - 26 October 2022
9:00 - 10:30 / Ballroom: Plenary 3 - The people protection gap - The Landscape of Inclusive Insurance
Hosted by the Microinsurance Network
Andrea Herrera
Project Manager, Corporation InMedical, Ecuador
Ekhosuehi Iyahen
Secretary-General, Insurance Development Forum, UK
Stephanie Soedjede
North & West Africa Regional Coordinator, Microinsurance Network, Togo
Miguel Solana
Inclusive Insurance Specialist, UNDP’s Insurance and Risk Finance Facility (IRFF), Turkey
Katharine Pulvermacher
Executive Director, Microinsurance Network, Luxembourg
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The Landscape of Microinsurance is widely recognised as a unique benchmark tracking uptake of inclusive insurance around the world. During this session, we will share the preliminary findings of the 2022 primary research conducted in more than 30 countries, including updates on social performance indicators.
Beyond identifying how many low-income people and emerging consumers are now covered by some form of insurance, we will present best-in-breed examples of products, service delivery and policy approaches that are driving success in reaching scale, with an emphasis on case studies that demonstrate economic viability.
During the panel discussion, we will pick up on the key findings with comments and insights, linking these to key themes:
- The impact of climate change on every area of risk
- How this is affecting emerging consumers
- The implications for the insurance sector
- Emerging premium payment models (who will pick up the tab?)
- How embedding sustainability can drive business outcomes in an uncertain and increasingly volatile world
We plan to augment the above points with selected video voices from the field, covering the role of the landscape study in selected insurers’ inclusive journeys. It is likely that these will include selected countries in which the study was conducted by specific request from the supervisor or association (Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala).
11:00 - 12:30 / Ballroom: Parallel session 5 - Closing the protection gap for smallholder farmers in Latin America and the Caribbean: Global examples of innovative climate risk insurance solutions
Hosted by the MiN, IFAD and the World Food Programme
Emily Jones
Climate and Disaster Risk Financing Advisor, WFP, Italy
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Thomas Njeru
Co-funder and CEO, PULA, Kenya
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Leticia Goncalves
Risk Financing Consultant, WFP, Italy
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David Maslo
Head of Business Development, African Risk Capacity, South Africa
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Tara James
Agricultural and Climate Risk Insurance Expert, IFAD, Italy/Barbados
What are the challenges for scaling up inclusive climate risk insurance solutions in Latin America and the Caribbean? Which cutting-edge global examples can be replicated in the region and what are the pitfalls to avoid? This is the focus of the session organised by two UN agencies, IFAD and WFP, on behalf of the Microinsurance Network’s Best Practice Group on Building Resilience of Smallholder Farmers.
The session will showcase lessons learned from schemes that are utilising innovative approaches to solve the common challenges in reaching smallholder farmers – in both achieving distribution at scale, and in closing the protection gap for different types of rural poor people. Cases could include shock-responsive social protection, insurance bundled with credit for renewable energy for rural households, and using school feeding programmes to integrate insurance into agricultural value chains. These will touch on topics of interest, such as the role of coverage at different risk layers – at macro, meso, and micro levels; the different roles of the government, the private sector, and development actors; integrated approaches to climate risk insurance – bundling with other products and linking with aggregators in the agricultural value chain and embedding insurance within resilience-building initiatives. The implementation examples highlighted will come from at least one other region (Africa) and will be linked back to the index insurance context, needs, and examples from Latin America and the Caribbean.
11:00 - 12:30 / Talk of the Town: Parallel session 6 - Evaluating customer value – More than claims ratios
Hosted by the International Actuarial Association (IAA)
Denis Garand
President, DGA, Canada
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Britta Hay
Lecturer, University of West Indies, Jamaica
Nigel Bowman
Chair of Inclusive Insurance Virtual Forum, International Actuarial Association, South Africa
Inclusive insurance often suffers from perceived poor customer value. For example, the Microinsurance Network’s recent Landscape of Microinsurance 2020 and 2021 reports caught the attention of many stakeholders with median claims ratios of 23% and 15%, respectively, across all regions. Low claims ratios are often taken to imply that customer value is poor and needs to be improved. But is this a reasonable thing to do?
This session will highlight work being done by the International Actuarial Association (IAA) and Microinsurance Network, which is attempting to answer two burning questions in the inclusive insurance industry:
- Are low claims ratios necessarily an indication of poor customer value?
- If so, how can customer value be sustainably improved?
These questions will be explored by a panel of experts who will discuss the factors to consider when evaluating customer value and some of the methods used to measure customer value. Speakers will share and discuss the results of a data-driven analysis of:
- The drivers of low claims ratios
- Where the balance of premiums are going if not back to customers in the form of claims. This work is being led by the IAA.
- A holistic perspective of customer value, including claims ratios
Finally, an initial process for finding an overall assessment of customer value, including claims ratios but also other measures, will be presented. In a discussion including the audience, the two burning questions will then be explored, with the objective of shifting the discussion on customer value to the next level.
11:00 - 12:30 / Legacy Suite: Parallel session 7 - Agriculture Index Insurance: Collaboration between the public and private sector players to reach scale in Africa
Hosted by IFC
Isaac Magina
Agriculture Underwriting and Marketing Manager, Africa Re, Nigeria
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Yizaso Musonda
Manager - Market Development, Pensions and Insurance Authority, Zambia
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Humphrey Mulele
Manager - Agriculture Specialities, Mayfair Insurance, Zambia
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Grace Muradzikwa
Commissioner at Insurance and Pensions Commission (IPEC), Zimbabwe
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Sharon Adhiambo Onyango
Financial Sector Specialist, IFC/GIIF, South Africa
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Africa is in a highly risky position in terms of climate change. Most production is rainfall-dependent. It is estimated that the continent will remain food insecure and lose a significant portion of its GDP by 2030 due to increasingly unpredictable climate events. A possible solution to improve livelihoods there is increasing access to finance, climate-smart agricultural services, and climate insurance.
Climate or agricultural insurance coverage in Africa is quite low and there is a need to increase penetration to improve resilience to the effects of climate change. Accordingly, risk mitigation, adaptation, risk pooling, and the use of technology are all important components in improving customer experience, supporting scale, and balancing both the demand and supply sides of insurance offerings. The development of a suitable enabling environment is also critical for market growth and innovation.
The World Bank Group’s Global Index Insurance Facility (GIIF) Program is proposing to host a session on the role of regulators in scaling up climate insurance. The session is expected to have 4 panellists: 2 regulators (from Zambia and Zimbabwe) and 2 (re)insurance practitioners (from Nigeria and Zambia). It will involve the presentation of different cases, moderated by a WBG colleague, followed by a Q&A session. The participants will discuss the current status of efforts towards improving the enabling environment (from the perspective of regulators and insurance practitioners) to support the development of sustainable and scalable agriculture insurance markets in Africa. Panellists will share their experiences and brainstorm ways in which regulatory procedures, market conditions and policy aspects can enable the development of simple, accessible and impactful insurance products.
The goal is to look at various aspects of market development and share examples of best practices, lessons learned and potential aspirational regulatory and market supervisory models.
11:00 - 12:30 / Rio Bueno Suite: Parallel session 8: Targeting women in inclusive insurance
Hosted by the ILO/IFC
Lisa Morgan
Technical Specialist, ILO's Impact Insurance Facility, Switzerland (online)
Seugnette van Wyngaard
Head of First for Women Insurance, South Africa (online)
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Margrit Schmid
COO, ParaLife Group, Switzerland (online)
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Jean-Yves Drolet
Head - Agri Risks Management, SOCODEVI, Canada (online)
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Fatou Giwa
Global Lead, IFC Women’s Insurance Program, Nigeria
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Closing gaps between women’s and men’s economic participation drives the growth of businesses and economies, and improves the lives of families and communities. While women around the globe have rising incomes and increased buying power, they nevertheless remain an underserved community across financial services. Financial inclusion is an issue for both genders; however, for many reasons, women are more excluded than men. With insurance, this is often referred to as the gender protection gap and it is pervasive across all socio-economic groupings. According to IFC’s 2015 SheforShield Report, the insurance industry can play a major role in addressing this gap and earn up to US$ 1.7 trillion by 2030 from women alone – half of it in emerging economies – if the industry targets women. The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the challenges women and women-owned SMEs face in managing risk and building financial security. A range of solutions on both the supply and demand side are needed to enable women to take better advantage of risk management solutions, including business insurance for women-led enterprises. By creating targeted approaches to better serve women as customers and employees, insurers can differentiate themselves and become the insurer and/or employer of choice for women in their respective markets.
To facilitate the entrance of new market actors and innovative ideas, the ILO’s Impact Insurance Facility and IFC Women’s Insurance Program launched a one-year Community of Practice (CoP) in April 2021. The purpose of the CoP was to increase awareness of the opportunity held by the women’s insurance market, to provide guidance on actions that insurers, fintechs, and intermediaries can take to better serve women as customers and employees, and to foster knowledge-sharing among stakeholders with regard to investing in the women’s market. In this session we share some experiences from the CoP, as well as emerging best practice on serving the women’s market.
14:00 - 15:30 / Ballroom: Parallel session 9 - New partnerships to unlock the MSME insurance market
Hosted by Cenfri / Microinsurance Network’s MSMEs Best Practice Group
Laura Rosado
Strategy and Finance Manager, AXA Emerging Customers, France
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Aléjandra Díaz Agueldo
Director Sustainability, Seguros Bolivar, Colombia
MK Balachandran
Head - Rural Retail and Microinsurance, SBI Insurance, India (online)
Jeremy Gray
MSMEs are important drivers of economic activity but are also highly vulnerable and face a range of risks. MSMEs are significantly underserved by tailored offerings from insurers and, at the same time, constitute a strong potential growth market for insurers. Therefore, MSMEs need enhanced tools to build their resilience, and insurers have a business interest to deliver these tools.
Despite the opportunity, there remain very few successful MSME insurance products across the developing world. The MiN’s MSME Best Practice Group has identified three principles to rethink the approach to reaching MSMEs:
- Focus on value chains to tailor and distribute solutions
- Consider risks holistically
- Make the solutions tangible
Few, if any, insurers are equipped to deliver on all three of these principles, and therefore require partners. This session will explore what these partners need, what their incentives are, and the opportunities that would make it attractive for them to work with traditional insurers to successfully redesign the approach to serving MSMEs with products that offer value, tangibly build resilience, and do this in a commercially sustainable way.
The session will be a hybrid (online-offline) panel discussion with extensive audience engagement. The panel will be made up of different types of innovative players that have successfully partnered to offer tailored MSME resilience solutions. They will discuss their approach, challenges, successes, and key lessons learned.
14:00 - 15:30 / Talk of the Town: Parallel session 10 - Macro solutions for micro needs (linking disaster risk finance instruments to national social protection systems)
Hosted by the World Food Programme
Kathryn Milliken
Regional Climate Advisor, World Food Programme Panama, Barbados
Nicholas Grainger
Programme Policy Officer, World Food Programme, Barbados
Alma Gomez
Supervisor of Insurance and Pensions at the OSIPP, Belize
Isaac Anthony
CEO CCRIF SPC, Saint Lucia
David Maslo
Head of Business Development, African Risk Capacity, South Africa
Emily Jones
Climate Risk Financing Advisor, World Food Programme, Italy
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While it is generally acknowledged that making social protection (SP) more shock-responsive is a good investment, the potential is confirmed by a WFP study on the emergency cash-transfer programme in Dominica after Hurricane Maria. Investing in a diversified portfolio of risk financing strategies that are linked to SP can enable a faster and more cost-efficient response through a quick and flexible disbursement of funds.
In 2019, WFP Caribbean developed its Risk Financing Strategy, which explores linking disaster risk finance instruments to national social protection systems. WFP has engaged with CCRIF SPC, the world’s first regional fund utilising parametric insurance, giving governments in the Caribbean the opportunity to purchase catastrophe coverage. WFP is contributing premium support to top up CCRIF SPC policies in two countries. Once the policy is triggered, a portion of the payout will be allocated for use as cash assistance for impacted populations through national SP programmes. In exchange, the governments have committed to strengthening their SP systems.
The aim of this session is to provide insights into the experience of linking a sovereign parametric insurance risk pool with national SP systems, and to understand the entry points, challenges and opportunities.
14:00 - 15:30 / Legacy Suite: Parallel session 11 - Towards better support for future inclusive insurance initiatives – Looking back at failures and successes
Hosted by UNDP
Salvador da Cunha
CEO, Affinity International, Dominican Republic
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Mauricio Osorio
CEO, Crezcamos, Colombia
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Barbara Magnoni
Director, EA Consultants, United States
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Miguel Solana
Inclusive Insurance Specialist, UNDP, Turkey
The environment where inclusive insurance programmes are evolving is experiencing many changes, including more conducive regulation, integration of technology into different business processes, renewed interest of governments in vulnerability and resilience, limited capital resources for business development, loss of purchasing power by final clients, and more.
UNDP’s IRFF is developing a set of tools and approaches to support inclusive initiatives and practitioners to drive new ways of thinking and to simplify the implementation of inclusive insurance initiatives. The IRFF has engaged with different market players and experts, documenting their current and previous insights and approaches. A consolidation, analysis and systematisation of this knowledge is underway to develop mechanisms for applying these lessons in future initiatives through a client-centric perspective.
Bringing together practitioners from diverse organisations that have implemented inclusive insurance programmes from different positions (insurers, distribution channels, intermediaries, solution providers), the session aims to explore the evolution of initiatives over time, how programmes have adapted to new and changing market conditions, and lessons learned from the adaptation for future work. A diverse panel will provide different geographic and business model perspectives, and there will be a discussion on how content could be created to address the needs of practitioners.
14:00 - 15:30 / Rio Bueno Suite: Parallel session 12 - Inclusive Insurance: When academia meets practice
Hosted by the Consortium of Excellence for the 17 Goals (C-17): University of Lausanne, University of Liverpool, and York University (Canada)
José Miguel Flores Contro
PhD Candidate in Actuarial Science, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
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Corina Constantinescu
Professor, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom
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Tsvetanka Karagyozova
Assistant Professor, York University, Canada
Michael McCord
Managing Director, Microinsurance Centre at Milliman, United States
Kira Henshaw
Research Assistant, University of Liverpool, UK
Ida Ferrara
Associate Professor, York University, Canada
The goal of this session is to show how the quantitative tools scholars across RMI-related disciplines rely upon can help promote the development and implementation of individually and socially impactful inclusive insurance products and services. However, realizing the full potential of science-driven results requires a practice-informed approach and thus close collaboration among academics, practitioners, policymakers, and other stakeholders. To stimulate discussions on bridging the gap between academia and practice, the session includes four presentations.
In the first presentation, we assess the benefits of coordination and partnerships between governments and private insurers and provide further evidence for inclusive insurance products as powerful and cost-effective tools for achieving poverty reduction. Our results are based on a rigorous mathematical framework that analytically proves the benefits of such partnerships.
In the second presentation, we discuss some new insurance paradigms, namely, parametric insurance and risk pooling, and how they can help developing countries’ governments tackle the aftermath of extreme events, via new partnerships and insurance coverage, as opposed to post-event financial aid/charity. As a contextual example, we focus on floods or droughts in African countries.
In the third presentation, we examine empirically whether microinsurance leaves a lasting impact on the aggregate economy using a sample of African countries. Results suggest a nuanced relationship, with the long-term effect of microinsurance on economic growth exceeding the short-term one and the poorest countries benefiting the most from microinsurance.
16:00 - 17:30 / Ballroom: Plenary 4 - Insurance and pension for migrant workers: Need and the business case
Hosted by UNDCF
William Price
Senior Advisor – Insurance and Pensions, UNCDF, UK
> download presentation
Hannah Grant
Head of Secretariat, Access to Insurance Initiative (a2ii), Germany
> download presentation
Rupal Kulkarni
CEO, ShramSarathi, India
> download presentation
Premasis Mukherjee
Remittance and Digital Finance Specialist, UNCDF
>download presentation
Globally, 281 million people, or roughly 4% of the world’s population, work outside their country of origin. Although these migrants’ need and right for social protection are enshrined in at least 5 of the 17 SDGs and several international conventions, only 2.8% of them have access to comprehensive portable social security. Several impact studies have highlighted the critical role of insurance and pensions in reducing the financial vulnerability of the migrants, which has now been accentuated due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
UNCDF believes that migrant-centric, gender-responsive, scalable, and viable business models of inclusive insurance (and pensions) – aligning the interest of value chain stakeholders, both private and public – may complement the social protection interventions deployed through multilateral, bilateral, and global agreements. Under the Inclusive Digital Economies agenda, UNCDF aims to leverage the digital finance, insurance, remittance and pension eco-systems to design and deploy scalable business models integrated into the migrant money eco-system. In doing so, UNCDF will increase the capacity of the regulators, policymakers and market players in the design and delivery of gender-responsive and migrant-centric insurance (and pension) products, through research and data analytics, networking and dialogue with stakeholders, inclusive innovation pilots and creating a knowledge eco-system on the domain.
In the session, UNCDF looks forward to highlighting the need for inclusive insurance (and pensions) for migrants and motivating the eco-system stakeholders to trigger dialogue and deployment of innovative business models, in addition to focusing on the market potential of private sector initiatives in the domain. UNCDF will facilitate the speakers and participants to identify the challenges and opportunities of migrant insurance (and pensions) in the existing implementation models and prospects to create pathways for future innovations.
Day 4 - 27 October 2022
9:00 - 10:30 / Ballroom: Parallel session 13 - Moving forward stronger and equal: Mechanisms, tools, and strategies to help Small Island Developing States (SIDS) pivot from vulnerability to resilience
Hosted by CCRIF SPC
Isaac Anthony
CEO, CCRIF SPC, Saint Lucia
Krishnan Narasimhan
Global Lead Specialist and Programme Manager of the Pacific Climate Adaptation and Insurance Programme (PICAP), United Nations Capital Development Fund, Fiji
Gloria Joseph
Permanent Secretary, Planning, Economic Development, Climate Resilience and Sustainable Development in the Government of Dominica
> download presentation
Byron Leslie
Vice President, Guardian Group, Jamaica
Elizabeth Emanuel
Head of Corporate Communications and Head of Technical Assistance, CCRIF SPC, Jamaica
The participants in this session will be provided with a range of case studies related to inclusive insurance, disaster risk financing tools for vulnerable groups, communities, etc., and other financial mechanisms to support lives and livelihoods in the face of increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events. Innovative approaches for scaling up climate risk insurance activities within countries, and methods for expanding and bringing the lessons learned to other countries will also be addressed. Based on the case studies, the key messages that the audience will take away are:
- Approaches to scaling up access: the roles of multiple stakeholders in making products, tools and mechanisms available for building resilience and reducing the impacts of climate-related events; the approaches that can be employed to scale up access; the importance of governments stepping in to protect the most vulnerable who cannot afford market-based instruments; different techniques that can be used to identify and support these groups – CCRIF’s COAST product is one example
- Adaptive social protection: introduction to the linking of social protection policy with climate change adaptation and inclusive insurance; how instructions such as insurance can be used to make social protection policy more adaptive and responsive to exogenous shocks
- Specialised products and mechanisms: the range of complementary products, tools and mechanisms to support the most vulnerable in the face of a changing climate
9:00 - 10:30 / Talk of the Town: Parallel Session 14 - Distribution
Barbara Magnoni
President, EA Consultants, United States
Uni to Multi to Omni channel distribution, the case of Colombia
Ann-Elise Francis
Head of Growth, Turaco, Kenya
Extending inclusivity across the customer journey through technology (online)
> download presentation
Saurabh Sharma
Director - Emering Consumers, Britam, Kenya
Insuring gig workers: Britam's partnership with Little Rides, a Pan-African ride hailing app, to deliver a savings linked funeral insurance product (online)
MK Balachandran
Head - Rural Retail and Microinsurance, SBI Insurance, India
Innovative distribution models to reach the last mile (online)
> download presentation
Craig Churchill
Head, Social Finance Programme, ILO, Switzerland
9:00 - 10:30 / Legacy Suite: Parallel session 15 - Targeting index-based insurance to protect women’s assets
Hosted by the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Markets, Risk and Resilience / UC Davis
Elizabeth Katz
Gender specialist, Global Center for Gender Equality, Stanford University, USA (online)
> download presentation
Andrew Hobbs
Professor, University of San Francisco, USA
> download presentation
Emily Adams
Eastern and Southern Africa Science Coordination Lead, SERVIR/NASA, USA
> download presentation
Sumayya Hassan
CEO Takaful Insurance Africa, Kenya (online)
> download presentation
Michael Carter
Professor, University of California, Davis, Director, The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Markets, Risk and Resilience, USA
Index-based agricultural and livestock insurance is a promising tool for managing some key risks that agricultural and pastoral families face. Many insurance products are designed and marketed around activities that are traditionally considered to be under the purview of men. However, evidence shows that when shocks occur – even those that predominantly impact male-dominated activities – it is women who bear the burden. How, then, can insurance be better designed so women can minimise their own risk exposure?
This session will examine how we should envision gender-sensitive inclusive insurance so that women may also reap the rewards of insurance protection. Elizabeth Katz, Stanford University, will begin with brief overview of how women have traditionally protected their assets in the developing world. A round table discussion will follow, focusing on several initiatives being conducted in Africa that showcase innovative ways to rethink insurance to not only speak to women as an immense emerging market, but to truly make insurance an effective tool for women to protect their families from shocks. By providing broad context and specific real-world evidence and tactics, this session will provide attendees with gender-sensitive insurance suggestions to carry forward.
9:00 - 10:30 / Rio Bueno Suite: Parallel session 16 - Unlocking demand. Innovative distribution and forward-looking strategies in Mexico, Kenya, Indonesia and the Philippines
Hosted by IDF’s Inclusive Insurance Working Group
Anne Kamau
Co-Founder and Director, CoverApp, Kenya
Arfang Sonko
General Manager, Rewire Fintech, Netherlands (online)
> download presentation
Laura Rosado
Strategy and Finance Manager, AXA Emerging Customers, France
Samantha Lira
Head of Business Development, Kinsu, Mexico (online)
Pedro Pinheiro
Project Manager, Microinsurance Network / IDF IIWG Coordinator, Luxembourg
> download presentation
This session will focus on innovative distribution channels for unlocking demand based on examples from the four priority countries of the Insurance Development Forum (IDF)'s Inclusive Insurance Working Group: Mexico, Kenya, Indonesia and the Philippines.
We will look at case studies involving insurers and insurtechs, managing general agents, digital platforms, retail chains, and other mass-market channels to discuss their challenges (including in relation to the regulatory framework), success factors and lessons learned. We will also hear about the criteria and signs of potential that are spotted by international funding facilities and venture capital investors to select the players that are disrupting the industry and shaping the future of insurance distribution.
The objective of the session is to showcase inspiring examples for replication and opportunities to enhance the enabling environment for similar projects, as well as to match their needs for support with available funding and technical assistance from international and multilateral organisations in order to reach scale.
The selection of models and players to be featured in the session will be made based on the country engagement by the IDF’s Inclusive Insurance Working Group in pursuit of its strategic plan. With the support of the country associations and other market players, we will aim to pick out innovative examples of distribution platforms in terms of scale and client centricity.
The outputs of the session will be incorporated into the diagnostics that are part of the countries’ roadmap of bankable projects to be developed by the Working Group.
11:00 - 12:00 / Ballroom: Plenary 5 - Closing and outlook / 12:00 - 12:30: Press conference
Everton Mc Farlane
Executive Director, Financial Services Commission, Jamaica
Katharine Pulvermacher
Executive Director, Microinsurance Network, Luxembourg
Lorenzo Chan
Chair of the Board of the Microinsurance Network, CEO, Pioneer Insurance, Philippines (online)
Orville Johnson
Executive Director, IAJ, Jamaica
Michael Kofi Andoh
Deputy Commissioner, National Insurance Commission, Ghana
> Promotional video of the International Conference on Inclusive Insurance 2023, Accra, Ghana
Dirk Reinhard
Vice Chair, Munich Re Foundation
Chair of the Conference Steering Committee
> download presentation
Day 5 - 28 October 2022
6:30 - 18:30 Field Trip
The field trip will be organized by GK Insurance.
Seats are limited. There will be a separate registration required.
See here for details: