International Conference on Inclusive Insurance 2022
24-28 October 2022
Hosted by

Insurance Association of Jamaica (IAJ)
The IAJ is providing world class support services to the Jamaican insurance industry through effective lobbying, provision of information for decision making, avenues for addressing common concerns and encouraging sound industry practices and ethical conduct of members while promoting the best interests of the insuring public and the long term economic development of the nation.

The Munich Re Foundation effectively supports people in risk situations and helps to avoid risks. It stakes a claim to finding long-term solutions. Our aim is to prepare people to cope with risk and to improve their living conditions.

The MiN is the only global multi-stakeholder platform of the microinsurance industry and experts, with some 80 institutional members from over 40 countries, committed to promoting the development and delivery of effective risk management tools, including insurance services, for unserved people.
Platinum sponsor

Gold sponsor

Silver sponsor

Bronze sponsor

Sponsor and exhibitor opportunities
Partner with us and enhance your international brand presence. Get a special conference package, become an official ICII exhibitor, sponsor a themed session or side event, sponsor an outside broadcast live streamed on YouTube, memorabilia or conference resources and receive a host of benefits. Check out our wide range of sponsorship opportunities, and email the commitment form to us with your preferences. Sign up today.
This year’s International Conference on Inclusive Insurance (October 24-28) promises to be a signature event on the global calendar. After two years of lock down due to COVID-19 this is the first time the Conference will be held in a hybrid format. Jamaica is very proud to be the host country, a first for any Caribbean nation in the event’s 20 year history. The Conference will be held at the Jamaica Pegasus hotel in New Kingston the business district of Kingston the capital city. Insurance Association of Jamaica is eagerly looking forward to giving a warm Jamaican welcome to over 400 delegates expected to attend in person from over 40 countries as well as many others who will be tuning in online.
Sponsorship opportunities and benefits
By partnering with the Insurance Association of Jamaica through sponsorship, companies, international organisations and development partners will enhance their international brand presence, promote their products and services, network with industry experts and professionals, connect and gain new clients and grow market share.
Organisations can choose from any of 5 major partnership opportunities to fit their marketing budget each with its own set of benefits. Premium opportunities include platinum, gold and silver with investments of USD 30,000, USD20, 000 and USD10, 000 respectively. They include the opportunity to sponsor special conference proceedings such as the opening and closing ceremonies or interesting side and cultural events such as the Welcome Reception or Dinner and Cultural Showcase at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel.
At the lower tiers, companies may opt to secure bronze and partner opportunities which attract investments of USD 5,000 and below USD 5,000 respectively. These include sponsorship opportunities to showcase inclusion in Jamaica’s rich and internationally renowned cultural and tourism sectors notably the Art Walk in Downtown Kingston or for the operations of the Conference Wellness Center and Secretariat as well as promotions.
Additionally organisations may combine 2 or more sponsorship opportunities which can promote them to the next tier of sponsorship. For example they may opt to secure 2 partnership opportunities of USD 2,500 each which will entitle them to a bronze sponsorship.
Several sponsors may also share the same sponsorship rank based on their preferences and select levels of investment.
Whatever your choice, your Organisation will receive heightened brand visibility and recognition internationally.
So check out our sponsorship offerings and email us today with your sponsorship preferences or to further explore the wide range of opportunities email us at iciisponsorhip@iaj-online.com.
We look forward to working with you in presenting a world class conference.
Sponsorship opportunities and benefits at a glance
Platinum-Investment of USD 30,000
- Acknowledgement in Marketing and Public Relations campaign
- Exhibition booth in priority position adjacent to the main Conference/Banquet Hall (limited to top 5 platinum sponsors)
- Logo on Conference website with a link to sponsor's website
- Radio Interview on Nationwide News Network outside broadcast live streamed on YouTube about Company’s inclusive insurance product/ service (limited to top 2 Platinum Sponsors)
- Opportunity to be the presenting sponsor for a signature special event or side event (Welcome Reception or Dinner and Cultural Showcase at the Jamaica Pegasus)
- Opportunity to showcase a short 1- 3 minute branded inclusive insurance product or service video reel to be played during a conference luncheon period or ahead of a pre-selected presentation of the conference
- Inclusion of corporate logo on conference virtual backdrop/banner and LED screens
- Special reserved seating at opening and closing ceremonies (limited to 8 persons)
- Table top branding-Opportunity to place company collateral material on sponsors' table at the Conference
- Company/Organisation website link on the IAJ website for one year
Gold-Investment of USD 20,000
- Acknowledgement in Marketing and Public Relations campaign
- Exhibition booth in priority position adjacent to the Legacy Suite (limited to top 5 Gold sponsors)
- Logo on Conference website with a link to sponsor's website
- Opportunity to co-sponsor a signature special event or side event (Welcome Reception or Dinner and Cultural Showcase at Jamaica Pegasus Hotel)
- Opportunity to host/co-sponsor opening or closing ceremony
- Opportunity to showcase short 1- 3 minute branded inclusive insurance product or service video reel to be played during a conference luncheon period or ahead of a pre-selected presentation of the conference
- Inclusion of corporate logo on conference virtual backdrop/banner and LED screens
- Special reserved seating at opening and closing ceremonies (limited to 6 persons)
- Table top branding-Opportunity to place company collateral material on sponsors' table at the Conference
- Company/Organisation website link on the IAJ website for one year
Silver-Investment of USD 10,000
- Acknowledgement in Marketing and Public Relations campaign
- Logo on Conference website with a link to sponsor's website
- Opportunity to co-sponsor a signature special event or side event (Welcome Reception or Dinner and Cultural Showcase at the Jamaica Pegasus)
- Opportunity to sponsor a luncheon
- Opportunity to showcase short 1- 3 minute branded inclusive insurance product or service video reel to be played during a conference luncheon period or ahead of a pre-selected presentation of the conference
- Inclusion of corporate logo on conference virtual backdrop/banner and LED screens
- Special reserved seating at opening and closing ceremonies (limited to 4 persons)
- Table top branding-Opportunity to place company collateral material on sponsors' table at the Conference
- Company/Organisation website link on the IAJ website for one year
Bronze Investment of USD 5,000
- Acknowledgement in Marketing and Public Relations campaign
- Opportunity to co-sponsor Interpretation, Secretariat, Registration and Wellness services for the Conference as well as conference promotions, and memorabilia.
- Opportunity to sponsor or co-sponsor a special side event showcasing inclusion in Jamaica’s cultural and tourist industries (Art Walk in Downtown Kingston)
- Inclusion of corporate logo on conference virtual backdrop/banner and LED screens
- Special reserved seating at opening and closing ceremonies (limited to 2 persons)
- Table top branding-Opportunity to place company collateral material on sponsors' table at the Conference
- Company/Organisation website link on the IAJ website for one year
Partner-Investment below USD 5,000
- Acknowledgement in Marketing and Public Relations campaign
- Opportunity to co-sponsor a special side event showcasing inclusion in Jamaica’s cultural and tourist industries (Art Walk in Downtown Kingston)
- Opportunity to co-sponsor Interpretation, Secretariat, Registration and Wellness services for the Conference as well as conference promotions, and memorabilia.
- Inclusion of corporate logo on conference virtual backdrop/banner and LED screens
- Brochures in conference packages
- Company/Organisation website link on the IAJ website for one year
Insurance Association of Jamaica
Email: iciisponsorhip@iaj-online.com
Website: www.iaj-online.com