International Conference on Inclusive Insurance
Please click on the session title to view details, presentations and recordings of the sessions. Click on the speaker's name to read their profile.
French interpretation will be available in all sessions in Ballroom, Ballroom 1 and 2.
Day 1 - 23 October 2023 - Pre-conference workshops
9:00 - 12:30 / Ballroom 1: Workshop 1 - Introduction workshop to inclusive insurance
Hosted by ILO
Lisa Morgan
Technical Specialist, Actuary, ILO's Impact Insurance Facility, Switzerland
Pranav Prashad
Senior Technical Officer, ILO's Impact Insurance Facility, Switzerland
Yannick Nicolas
Chief Executive Officer, Milev Chamroeun Microfinance, Cambodia
James Gakuru
Sales and Marketing Manager, RADIANTYACU LTD, Rwanda
Nishant Khetani
Manager Pricing and Risk Placement, PULA, Kenya
Craig Churchill
Chief, Social Finance, ILO, Switzerland
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This pre-conference session aims at providing an introduction to key challenges and opportunities of inclusive insurance. It will create a space to network especially among those who are new to the topic as well as to the International Conference on Inclusive Insurance.
9:00 - 12:30 / Ballroom 2: Workshop 2 - Topline and bottomline strategies for inclusive insurance
Hosted by FinProbity Solutions
Lorenzo Chan
CEO, Pioneer Insurance Group and Chair of the Board of the Microinsruance Network, Philippines
Agnes Chakonta
Managing Director, Madison Life, Zambia
Saurabh Sharma
Director Emerging Consumers, Britam, Kenya
Dorothy Salifu
Head of Operations, Hollard Life, Ghana
Lemmy Manje
CEO, FinProbity Solutions, Rwanda/ Zambia
The workshop presents insights on strategies and business models from successful inclusive insurance providers. This interactive work retreat is designed for CEOs or senior executives in insurance companies who interested increasing their investments and footprint in inclusive insurance business. The sessions aim to demonstrate how inclusive insurance providers can make inclusive insurance viable and profitable while providing superior client value for their customers.
The retreat will address the following:
- What business strategies can be employed by market players to achieve better results in inclusive insurance business?
- What organizational structure is ideal for pushing inclusive insurance in a company?
- What sort of institutional culture and work-style is ideal?
- How can shareholders support senior management in pushing inclusive insurance in insurance companies?
13:30 - 18:30 / Ballroom 1: Workshop 3 - 18th Consultative Forum / The interconnectivity of climate change and natural catastrophes. How insurance is responding to build resilience and bridge the protection gap
Hosted by A2ii, IAIS, MiN, IDF
Welcome remarks
Michael Kofi Andoh
Acting Comissioner, NIC, Ghana
Monica Odhiambo
Financial Analyst & Risk Manager, A2ii, Germany
Pedro Pinheiro
IDF Inclusive Insurance Project Manager, Microinsurance Network, Luxembourg
Session 1: Global initiatives – awareness & education
Grace Muradzikwa
Commissioner IPEC, Zimbabwe
Astrid Zwick
Global Shield Co-Director, Global Shield Secretariat, Germany
Tomás Soley (online)
Superintendente General de Seguros y Valores, Costa Rica
Alistair Gough
Executive Coordinator, IAIS, Switzerland
Session 2: Risk management and assessment
Stuart Fraser (online)
Climate and disaster risk consultant, United Kingdom
Nick Moody
Co-lead (IDF), Global Risk Modelling Alliance, United Kingdom
Monica Odhiambo
Financial Analyst & Risk Manager, A2ii, Germany
Session 3: Product innovation and technology
Dorien Asampana
Consultant, IBISA, Luxembourg
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Carlos Boelsterli
CEO, MiCRO, United States
Andrea Camargo
Senior Risk Financing Specialist, WFP, Italy
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Malieta Inoke
Country Coordinator, UNDP, Tonga
The devastating impact of climate change has already become a reality for many, and even more the most vulnerable societies and households. Addressing the widening protection gaps requires close collaboration between the public and private sector. Thus, bringing together key stakeholders to share their knowledge and experience in addressing climate change related risks is more important than ever.
The Consultative Forum 2023 will gather representatives of international initiatives, the insurance industry as well as policymakers and supervisors to jointly identify best practices, challenges and opportunities for developing and implementing insurance solutions that can promote financial resilience in the face of climate change and natural disaster.
The forum will start by looking at global initiatives like the Global Shield against Climate Risks and discuss the IAIS’ most recent work on NatCat Protection Gaps and supervisory approaches to help closing existing protection gaps. In addition, industry representatives will highlight the impact of new products and innovative services they have been developing to buffer the impact of climate change. A special focus will be put on the topic of risk modelling since one of the key elements for the insurance industry, but also for policymakers and other decision-makers is quantifying risks arising from natural catastrophes. In the light of climate change, risk modelling becomes more challenging as relying on historical data is no longer enough. For this reason, the session on risk modelling during the CF will be complemented by a half-day online training event in November for supervisors to deepen their knowledge on the topic.
The event aims to produce a set of recommendations and best practices for addressing climate and disaster risks in inclusive insurance markets. These recommendations will be disseminated to the IAIS, A2ii, MiN and IDF networks and other stakeholders to inform policy and practice. In addition, the event will provide a platform for networking and knowledge exchange among participants, fostering collaboration and partnerships in this critical area.
14:00 - 17:30 / Ballroom 2: Workshop 4 - Addressing gendered social norms in inclusive insurance. How to accelerate progress towards better serving the women’s insurance market
Fatou Giwa
Global Lead, Women's Insurance Program at IFC, Nigeria
Losana Kumar
Manager and Project Lead, Cane Farmers’ Co-operative Savings and Loans Association Limited (CCSLA), Fiji
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Silia Tupou
Manager, Tonga Development Bank, Tonga
Belinda Ofori
Head of Direct Business and the Activ'Lady Programme, Activa International Insurance Company, Ghana
Veilawa Rereiwasaliwa
Director, Tower Group Services, Fiji
Olivia Vakaosooso
Financial & Digital Literacy Lead, UNCDF, Fiji
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Sinja Buri
Team Lead - Solutions & Practice Partnerships, Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII) at UNU-EHS, Germany
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Lisa Morgan
Technical Specialist, Actuary, ILO's Impact Insurance Facility, Switzerland
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Katherine Nittany Baez Lebron
Women’s Insurance Specialist, IFC, United States
Women face higher risks and burdens through situations of poverty, an imbalance of household care duties, time poverty, unequal participation in decision-making, and a lack of resources, which increases their vulnerability. This is further exacerbated by deep-rooted gender inequalities due to socially constructed roles, gender norms, and traditions, amongst other factors.
During this engaging pre-conference workshop, we will explore:
- How gendered social norms can affect the uptake of insurance by women
- Overcoming the risks and barriers women face when trying to access and use insurance
- Co-creation of a practical tool to help accelerate progress towards better serving the women’s insurance market
Day 2 - 24 October 2023
9:00 - 10:30 / Ballroom: Plenary 1 - Opening of the ICII 2023
Welcome notes:
Michael Kofi Andoh
Acting Comissioner, NIC, Ghana
Renate Bleich
Chair, Munich Re Foundation, Germany
Lorenzo Chan
Chair of the Board of the Microinsruance Network, Luxembourg
Blaise Abel Ezo'o Engolo
Secrétaire Général, CIMA, Gabun
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Guest of honor:
Hon. Ken Ofori-Atta
Minister of Finance, Republic of Ghana
Master of Ceremony:
Attend the opening online:
10:30 / Meeting Room 1: Press Conference
For those participants who wish to join the Press Conference virtually:
URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwvcequrzIoE9cdCIQa36TUxJIQiue4RvQc
11:00 - 12:30 / Ballroom: Plenary 2 - The Landscape of Microinsurance 2023: Key trends, fresh insights
Hosted by the Microinsurance Network
Lorenzo Chan
Group CEO, Pioneer Insurance and Chair of Microinsurance Network, Philippines
Nicolas Morales
Regional Manager for Latin America and the Caribbean, Microinsurance Network, Colombia
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Sosthenes Konutsey
Director and Head of Partnerships, BIMA, Ghana
Ewan Wheeler
CEO, ACRE Africa, Ghana
Stephanie Soedjede
Regional Manager for Africa, Microinsurance Network, Togo
Laura Rosado
Member of the Board of the Microinsurance Network - Strategy & Finance, Axa Emerging Customers, France
The Landscape of Microinsurance research and insights series provide a unique global benchmark – tracking the uptake of inclusive insurance products and services, along with insights into emerging trends connected with closing the people protection gap. In this session, we will present the initial results of the Landscape of Microinsurance 2023 data collection exercise along with insights into the last three or four years of benchmarking. The session will be focusing the panel discussion on markets that are showing robust growth or that have been particularly successful at reaching scale for different product lines.
14:00 - 15:30 / Ballroom: Plenary 3 - What does it need to develop inclusive insurance markets in West Africa
Hosted by NIC/GIA/UNDP
Kingsley Kwesi Kwabahson
Chief Executive, Ghana Insurers Association, Ghana
Merideth Randles
Principal and Consulting Actuary, Milliman Global Actuarial Initiative, USA
Mamadou Déme
National Insurance Director - Ministry of Economy and Finance - CIMA Board Member, Senegal
Aisha Ibrahim Bashir
Head Microinsurance Unit, NAICOM, Nigeria
Linet Odera
UNDP IRFF Regional Specialist for Africa, South Africa
This session will present the findings of the diagnostic studies commissioned by UNDP in Ghana, Nigeria and Senegal and discuss the following points:
- What is moving the inclusive insurance market
- Key elements in the enabling environment and what has worked and what hasn’t in different countries
- Regulation as a stimulus for insurance penetration growth
- Actuarial capacity development at the country level and the regional experience of the Global Actuarial Initiative
- Technology and digitalization examples from the region
- Effects of premium subsidies
16:00 - 17:30 / Ballroom: Plenary 4 - How can public-private partnerships leverage digital innovations for inclusive and sustainable health insurance in Africa?
Hosted by PharmAccess
Dr. Beadine
National Health Insurance Authority, Ghana
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Dr. Emmanuella Zamba
CEO, Lagos State Health Management Agency, Nigeria
Dr. Mohammed Al Mafazy
Head, ICT Unit at the Ministry of Health - Zanzibar, Tanzania
Dr. Olumide Okunola
Senior Health Financing Advisor, the World Bank, United Kingdom
Dr. Kwasi Boahene
Director Advocacy, PharmAccess Group, Netherlands
A pan-African panel of experts from public and private sectors will discuss inclusive African health insurance schemes, exploring partnerships and digital solutions to achieve UHC as part of the UN's 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
The panelists will focus on these key themes:
- Discuss the main challenges facing health insurance in LMICs, as well as the necessary public-private partnerships and strategies required to scale and finance health insurance programs sustainably for low-income and vulnerable groups.
- Provide practical examples of how digital innovations can be leveraged by all parties in a partnership to offer comprehensive and efficient health insurance products, strengthen health systems, and contribute to achieving UHC in LMICs.
- Explore the potential risks of technology in health, related to privacy and protection, interoperability, local capacity, and gender divide in access to mobile technology services.
Day 3 - 25 October 2023
9:00 - 10:30 / Ballroom 1: Parallel session 1 - Using data to close the gender protection gap – Supervisory and policy perspectives
Hosted by A2ii and GIZ
Yizaso Musonda
Manager, Market Development - Insurance, Pensions and Insurance Authority, Zambia
Lebohang Mabataung Moletsane
Section Head Long term Insurance and Microinsurance, Central Bank, Lesotho
Jibran Paracha
Additional Joint Director, Insurance Division, Policy Regulation & Development Department, Securities and Exchange Commision, Pakistan
Milena Kozomara
Advisor, A2ii, Germany
Many stakeholders in the insurance industry, including regulators and supervisors, express their commitment to treat women and men as equal. However, gender-neutral approaches to insurance, though well-intended, create a disproportionate impact on women. Through pre-existing biases women are being unintentionally left behind with their specific needs not being considered.
Without sufficient knowledge about the actual magnitude and nature of gender protection gaps, there cannot be gender equality.
In this panel, some of the questions that will be discussed include:
- Where are the gender data gaps and how do they contribute to women’s financial exclusion?
- What kind of data would be needed and how would it need to be aggregated, analysed and used to address the gender protection gaps?
- What are good practices in collecting this data and how can they be scaled up?
9:00 - 10:30 / Ballroom 2: Parallel session 2 - Promoting microinsurance within MFIs: the challenge of training teams and transferring skills for a sustainable impact
Hosted by Grameen Crédit Agricole Foundation
Zika Djodjo
Fellow, Impact Insurance Development Advisor - Associate Collaborator of ILO’s Social Finance programme (Fellow), Ivory Coast
Agnès Diene
COO, VisionFund, Sénégal
Herman Jako
Head of Risk and Head of insurance project, COMUBA, Benin
Hanadi Tutunji
Technical Assistance and Partnerships Officer, GCFA, France
The session will look at the challenge of strengthening and transferring skills within microfinance institutions (MFIs) for a sustainable impact when deploying microinsurance programs.
The panel will share the first results of the implementation of the program, the challenges that the project partners faced as well as success factors that can create value for both insurers and the MFIs leading to economic and social development.
9:00 - 10:30 / Inclusion Oasis: Parallel session 3 - Protecting low-income communities through climate insurance
Hosted by InsuResilience Investment Fund
Kay Tuschen
Lead Institutional Partnerships, CelsiusPro, Switzerland
Natia Zhgenti
Senior Investment Officer, BlueOrchard, Switzerland
Daniel Awuah-Darko
Chairman, Vanguard Assurance, Ghana
Richard Hardy
Investment Director Africa, BlueOrchard, Switzerland
Arndt Wierheim
Office director, KfW Accra, Ghana
The session will showcase the blended finance approach of the InsuResilience Investment Fund (IIF), where public funds are used to leverage private capital to improve access to and use of climate insurance in developing countries. IIF, which was set up in 2015, makes investments through its two sub-funds i.e., the Debt and Equity Sub-Funds. As of December 2022, the Fund has invested USD 145 million in 26 investee companies based in 17 countries.
The Debt Sub-Fund offers private debt funding to microfinance institutions and aggregators, whilst the Equity Sub-Fund supports insurance companies as well as data and software providers. The investment provides tangible benefits such as capital injections and liquidity in local currency enabling them to offer new products, serve new client groups and invest in new technologies. The complementary technical assistance which is provided with investment may help investees with business strategy and planning, product development, or client education. Selected investees receive premium support which reduces insurance premiums for end clients, allowing new products to get a foothold in nascent climate insurance markets.
The achievements, challenges, and solutions gathered during the last seven years of the IIF journey will be shared in this session.
11:00 - 12:30 / Ballroom 1: Parallel session 4 - Who has the best cards? Comparing inclusive insurance business structures
Hosted by Microinsurance Master
Gideon Ataraire
CEO, Allianz Life, Ghana
Andrew Nkolola
CEO, aYo, Zambia
Ikpeme Neto
CEO, Wellahealth, Nigeria
Bert Opdebeeck
Founder, Microinsurance Master, Belgium
Different types of organisations offer inclusive insurance. But who is best positioned to thrive?
The session aims to compare and analyse different types of organisations operating in the inclusive insurance sector, focusing on various dimensions like expertise, funding, cost structure, patience, business priority, adaptability, customer-centricity, and distribution strategy.The session will discuss advantages and disadvantages of their respective approaches with concrete examples and the track record of the respective organisations.
11:00 - 12:30 / Ballroom 2: Parallel session 5 - Index insurance from an academic perspective
Julian Roeckert
Researcher, RWI – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research & Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany
Crowding-in or crowding-out: The effect of humanitarian aid on households’ investments in index insurance
Lukas Mogge
Researcher, RWI – Leibniz Institute for Economic Research & Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Germany
A district-level analysis of the effect of risk exposure on the demand for index insurance in Mongolia
Sebastain Awondo
Associate Researcher, University of Alabama, United States
Leveraging Optimal Portfolio of Drought Tolerant Crop Varieties across Agro-climatic Zones to Scale Drought Index Insurance
Glenn Harrison
C.V. Starr Chair of Risk Management & Insurance and Director of the CEAR, Georgia State University, United States
Martin Eling
Vice-Dean/Professor of Insurance Management, University of Sankt Gallen, Switzerland
This session aims at translating academic research into learnings and recommendations that can be adopted by practicioners. Three papers around indix insurance will be presented.
11:00 - 12:30 / Inclusion Oasis: Parallel session 6 - Enabling affordability, accessibility, and transparency: The power of technology
Hosted by Munich Re
Shashank Kaushik
Actuarial Manager, Munich Re, India
Khetha Nzimande
Client Manager, Munich Re, South Africa
The session will present two technological initiatives that Munich Re offers to its insurance partners. AgroView is a webGIS platform that utilizes satellite and weather data to monitor crop health, and conduct risk assessments across various geographical areas. MR Capture is a mobile application designed to digitize and store location-based agricultural data including pictures, promoting transparency in crop health monitoring and claim assessment.
The vision is to further integrate MR Capture with AgroView and AI based image analytics to enhance its capabilities in picture-based loss assessment and yield estimation.
14:00 - 15:30 / Ballroom 1: Parallel session 7 - Learn first, educate later
Hosted by MicroInsurance Centre at Milliman
John Caroll
Consultant and Project Manager, MicroInsurance Centre at Milliman, United States
Sarah Ebrahimi
Head of Institutional Partnerships and Personal Lines, Blue Marble, United States
Henrique Chaluco
Co-Founder & CEO, Safeline Companhia de Micro Seguros, Mozambique
Mariah Mateo Sarpong
Director of Communications and Knowledge Management, MicroInsurance Centre at Milliman, USA
Consumer education of inclusive insurance customers is widely accepted as lacking and important to address. However, equally important is education of institutions serving low-income and underserved customers. Insurers and their implementing partners still struggle to understand the target market and communicate the benefits of insurance to them. In this fireside chat style session, the panelists will present concrete examples and strategies from their experience learning from and building capacity of institutional partners in three regions of the world.
14:00 - 15:30 / Ballroom 2: Parallel session 8 - Innovative solutions for bridging climate insurance gaps and addressing societal challenges: Case studies from Africa
Hosted by International Finance Corporation
Johannes Borchert
Risk and Resilience Manager, One Acre Fund, Kenya
Taye Masresha
Social Scientist, Agency for Inclusive Innovations Development (AIID), Kenya
Isaac Magina
Manager, Agriculture Underwriting and Marketing, Africa Re, Nigeria
Adeoye Wasiu Adelabu
Technical Focal Point, World Bank Livestock Productivity and Resilience Support Project (LPRES), Nigeria
Sharon Onyango
Financial Sector Specialist/Operations Officer, IFC, South Africa
African countries are increasingly vulnerable to climate risk which create negative consequences for smallholder farmers, pastoralists, and agri-businesses, including production loss, food insecurity, and territorial conflict.
This session will present two case studies showcasing innovative insurance solutions to address current gaps within the climate insurance value chain and societal issues partly driven by climate risk in East and Southern Africa and Nigeria.
14:00 - 15:30 / Inclusion Oasis : Parallel session 9 - Developing business models for inclusive insurance: Experience and lessons learnt
Saurabh Sharma
Director, Emerging Customers, Britam, Kenya
Successes & failures in telco partnerships: Three case studies in Kenya
Agrotosh Mookerjee
Managing Director & Chief Actuary, Risk Shield Consultants, Zambia
Lessons implementing climate risk insurance in West Africa
Tarek Seif
Secretary General, IFEGY, Egypt
Experience from Egypt
Lemmy Manje
CEO, FinProbity Solutions, Rwanda/Zambia
While inclusive insurance products and services have been around for nearly two decades, some old challenges still limit progress in certain markets. Understanding customer needs to create customer-centric products is now a well-articulated approach for any financial service provider serving populations in low- and middle-income markets. Experts agree that ownership and leadership are the basis for inclusive insurance services to succeed and grow. This session will present three cases and discuss experience and lessons learnt from developing different types of inclusive insurance products in Africa.
16:00 - 17:30 / Ballroom 1: Parallel session 10 - Pathfinder countries leading the way: First-hand experiences and perspectives on implementing the Global Shield against Climate Risks
Hosted by GIZ
Astrid Zwick
Global Shield Co-Director, Global Shield Secretariat, Germany
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Vera Doeyo Asante
Head of MSME Insurance Unit, Glico General, Ghana
Foster Gyfami (online)
Economic Strategy and Research Division, NREC Unit, Ministry of Finance, Ghana
Esther Mireku
Assistant Programme Officer, Environmental Protection Agency/Country, SLYCAN Trust, Ghana
Pedro Pinheiro
IDF Inclusive Insurance Project Manager, Microinsurance Network, Luxembourg
Matthias Range
Head of Risk Finance & Insurance, GIZ, Germany
The Global Shield (GS) against Climate Risks was announced at COP27 in Egypt. The GS builds on the InsuResilience Global Partnership and aims to contribute to the global efforts against losses and damages. One key element of the GS are the structured In-Country Processes (ICP).
16:00 - 17:30 / Ballroom 2: Parallel session 11 - Insurance and Pension for Migrant Workers: Emerging Business Models
Hosted by UNCDF
Praveen Regmi
Chief Executive Officer, IME Pay, Nepal (online)
Andrew Takyi-Appiah
Founder and CEO, Zeepay, Ghana
Olivia Vakaosooso
Financial & Digital Literacy Lead, UNCDF, Fiji
Yaa Asamoah Boateng
Communication and Knowledge Management Specialist, UNCDF, Ghana
Financial resilience for nearly 300 million migrants and their families is becoming a development priority due to increasing global migration trends, food security issues, and climate-related shocks. Scalable financial services like insurance and pensions contribute to the financial resilience of migrants and their families, especially women migrants, who comprise almost half of the migrants globally.
The session will highlight the emerging models of providing insurance and pensions for migrants in a scalable and commercially viable manner.
16:00 - 17:30 / Inclusion Oasis: Parallel session 12 - Inclusive health insurance
Saurabh Sharma
Director, Emerging Customers, Britam, Kenya
Making a profitable inclusive insurance business in Africa: A case study of Britam Kenya
Sosthenes Konutsey
Director and Head of Partnerships, BIMA, Ghana
Closing the gap: Telemedicine partnerships, bridge to Universal Health Coverage
Michal Matul
Head of digital health, consumer insights and training, AXA, France
Health equity for emerging customers
Lisa Morgan
Technical Specialist, Actuary, ILO's Impact Insurance Facility, Switzerland
Low-income households the world over cite health emergencies as one of the biggest risks to their financial security. Women are the worst affected. In the absence of affordable health insurance, low-income households tend to use their savings or even sell their assets to cover health costs. During the session, three journeys of health insurance providers will be presented. Speakers will share their experience from developing a range of health insurance services around the world and how they overcame challenges and barriers.
Day 4 - 26 October 2023
9:00 - 10:30 / Ballroom: Plenary 5 - Innovation for Resilience: A two-way street
Hosted by Cenfri and FSD Africa
Aisha Ibrahim Bashir
Head Microinsurance Unit, NAICOM, Nigeria
Rose Tuyeni Peter
Partnership Manager, Cenfri, South Africa
Nonso Opurum
CEO, Soso Care Insurtech, Nigeria
Mohammed Hafiz Issahaku
Head of Innovation, National Insurance Commission, Ghana
Elias Omondi
Principal - Innovation for Resilience, FSD Africa, Kenya
Innovation pushes the boundaries of how regulation is traditionally defined, be it in terms of a new type of player, type of role, type of product or mode of distribution. The appropriate response to such innovation will vary with country context. Regulating for innovation requires collaborative work, where current and prospective market players are on the front foot to help create a facilitating enabling environment. The session will address two questions:
1) How can regulators better enable private sector innovation, given the limited success to date?
2) What is the role of innovators to support regulators in this quest, through effective signalling of realities and needs?
11:00 - 12:00 / Ballroom: Plenary 6 - Overcoming the challenges facing microinsurance
Hosted by Leapfrog Investments
Raimund Snyders
Partner, LeapFrog Investments, South Africa
Laura Rosado
Strategy & Finance, Axa Emerging Customers, Paris
Wangeci Mathenge
Head Marketing Actuary, Inclusivity Solutions, South Africa
Craig Churchill
Chief, Social Finance, ILO, Switzerland
The increased risk environment facing low-income consumers and micro-entrepreneurs makes it even more critical to reflect on lessons learnt and collaborate to find keys to sustainability. The focus to date has been on scaling, and we have seen many examples of impressive scaling; yet very few, if any examples of sustainable profitable businesses. The continued reliance on capital, subsidies and cross-subsidisation is evidence of the challenges facing microinsurance entrepreneurs. The session will highlight the opportunities and challenges facing microinsurance business models to surface lessons learnt from a decade of investing in insurance across growth markets in Africa and Asia.
12:00 - 13:00 / Ballroom: Plenary 7 - Closing and outlook
Michael Kofi Andoh
Acting Comissioner, NIC, Ghana
Lorenzo Chan
Chair of the Board of the Microinsruance Network, Luxembourg
Pujan Dhungel Adhikari
Director, NIA, Nepal
Dirk Reinhard
Vice Chair, Munich Re Foundation, Germany
This session will provide a summary of the ICII 2023 and an outlook on the ICII 2024.
Day 5 - 27 October 2023
7:00 - 17:00 Field Trip
Seats are limited. There will be a separate registration required.
Visit of Visionfund/ Allianz project