ICII 2024
© Munich Re Foundation

Agenda (draft)


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    Please click on the session title to view details, presentations and recordings of the sessions. Click on the speaker's name to read their profile.

    Day 1 - 21 October 2024 - Pre-conference workshops

    Hosted by ILO



    This pre-conference session aims at providing an introduction to key challenges and opportunities of inclusive insurance. It will create a space to network especially among those who are new to the topic as well as to the International Conference on Inclusive Insurance.

    Hosted by Milliman/UNEP



    The microinsurance market is an area with a need for insurance solutions to help manage the risks of low-income and underserved populations. Although there is high demand and a growing market, there is limited tools and actuarial expertise applied in this space. A microinsurance-focused pricing toolkit was developed as part of the Global Actuarial Initiative (GAIN) partnership between Milliman and the UNDP to build actuarial expertise in developing countries. The intention of this tool is to provide a set of small, self-contained pricing models – life and hospital-cash health products – applying actuarial principles to pricing microinsurance products. 

    The objective of this workshop is to introduce participants to key principles of microinsurance pricing and equip audience with this pricing toolkit which introduces various considerations inherent in pricing a sustainable inclusive insurance product.

    Hosted by UNEP




    UNEP FI – V20 SIF will present insights from its landscape study of climate-smart insurance for MSMEs, lessons learned in accelerating scale, and to discuss both these aspects with V20 project partners from V20 countries.



    The 19th A2ii Consultative Forum (CF) is being developed under the title “Enhancing Data-Driven Insurance Supervision”. It will bring together representatives of international initiatives, the insurance industry as well as policymakers and supervisors to jointly identify best practices, challenges, and opportunities for developing and implementing inclusive and ethical data driven insurance solutions, collaborative approaches and incorporating technological developments. The 19th Consultative Forum will be jointly organised by the Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii) and the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) in partnership with the Microinsurance Network, with support from the Insurance Development Forum. 

    Day 2 - 22 October 2024

    Hosted by Microinsurance Network


    Jaime Aristotle Alip
    Founder & Chairman Emeritus of CARD MRI, The Philippines

    Lorenzo Chan
    President and CEO Pioneer, The Philippines



    Antonique Koning
    Senior Financial Sector Specialist, CGAP, Belgium

    Discover the groundbreaking success story from the Philippines: the joint venture between CARD (Mutual) and Pioneer (Commercial). With over 23 million enrollments powered by 2,200 micro agents and 80 strategic partnerships, this venture is transforming the landscape of microinsurance. Dive into inspiring insights from the visionary founders on purposeful leadership, innovative business strategies, gender-sensitive models, climate change solutions, digital innovations, and impactful consumer education—all intricately woven within the country’s regulatory framework.

    Hosted by the Nepal Insurance Association, Life Insurance Association Nepal, and the Nepal Insurance Authority



    This session will discuss opportunities and barriers for the development of inclusive insurance solutions in Nepal and the region.

    Day 3 - 23 October 2024

    Hosted by FinProbity Solutions


    Ovia K. Tuhairwe
    Chief Executive Officer, Radiant Yacu, Rwanda

    Gideon Ataraire
    Chief Executive Officer, Allianz Life Insurance, Ghana

    S. M. Ziaul Hoque
    Chief Executive Officer, Chartered Life Insurance, Bangladesh

    Mohammed Ali Ahmed
    MD & CEO, EFU Life Assurance, Pakistan

    Laura Elena Rosado
    Head of Strategy and Performance Measurement, AXA EssentiALL, France


    Lemmy Manje
    CEO & Founder, FinProbity Solutions, Zambia

    Inclusive insurance remains a blue ocean for insurance companies in many developing financial markets. Over the years, there has been steady growth recorded in some markets. While inclusive insurance has evolved beyond the business case, there are still a few senior executives in insurance companies who are investing in going down the market to insure those excluded with conventional insurance. The session is therefore a platform at which CEOs or senior executives who are making a difference in millions of lives around the world while contributing to the top-line and bottom-line in their companies. The primary focus is how to make inclusive insurance profitable and at the same providing client value to those who need insurance the most.

    MicroInsurance Centre at Milliman



    The inclusive insurance community has advocated for several years that index-based insurance has the potential to help millions of smallholder farmers protect themselves against the impacts of extreme climate events. The problem with index insurance, however, is that it does not always work as planned, “on the ground” – literally and figuratively. This problem is broadly known as “basis risk,” and to many experts, if unmanaged, it has the power to halt the growth of climate insurance schemes by destroying trust in the product’s promise. We believe that for index insurance to truly grow as an impactful solution, more attention needs to be given to seeking out solutions and overcoming the barrier of basis risk. 

    Hosted by CGAP and Global Shield


    Rajvi Joshipura
    Consultant, Self Employed Women’s Association (SEWA), India

    Fatou Giwa 
    Global program lead, IFC's Women’s Insurance Program, Nigeria

    Jennifer Phillips
    Lead of the Centre of Excellence on Gender-smart Solutions, Global Shield Secretariat, Germany

    Carlos Lopez Moreira
    Senior Policy Advisor - Implementation, IAIS


    Anaar Kara
    Senior Financial Sector Specialist, CGAP, France

    This session, will delve into comprehensive approaches aimed at closing the gender protection gap by enhancing access to and uptake of insurance among women. 

    Women frequently experience increased susceptibility to shocks and may have limited exposure to risk management tools. Additionally, the risks women encounter throughout their lives differ from those encountered by men, highlighting the critical need for gender-responsive design in insurance and risk management solutions. While basic challenges still prevail, lighthouse examples such as the extreme-heat parametric coverage for women informal workers in India start to arise and inspire replication and now supervisors are also turning their attention to the topic as demonstrated by the launch of a2ii’s FEMA-meter.  

    This session explores the integration of gender into various levels ranging from needs assessment, product design, to supervision, demonstrating how various actors can capitalize the market opportunity presented by women's inclusion and facilitate wealth-building, access to capital, and effective risk management.

    Hosted by CEAR and Utrecht University




    In this session we three research papers on the Index Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI) and de-risking, inclusion and value enhancement of pastoral economies in the Horn of Africa (DRIVE), covering the 10-year long terms effects of IBLI on household lifetime wellbeing, the role of information about consumer welfare and contract non-performance on DRIVE demand, and the targeting of DRIVE to men and women in the household.

    Hosted by A2ii




    The A2ii’s Inclusive Insurance Innovation Lab (iii-lab) is a platform for pivotal collaboration among stakeholders in the insurance sector, to enhance inclusive insurance market development. Through a year-long social lab methodology process jurisdictions learn to devise and implement innovative solutions that fortify resilience. This approach ensures that innovation encompasses the introduction of new regulations, tools, or processes, tailored to the unique demands of the evolving insurance landscape. Participants will hear from iii-lab alumni about developed prototypes and the long-term impact of the iii-lab in their countries. They engage in dialogue about the ecosystem needed to enable innovative thinking and a paradigm shift in stakeholders' collaboration.  

    Hosted by ICMIF




    This session will offer an in-depth exploration of the co-operative and mutual model in inclusive insurance, with a particular focus on the motivations, challenges, lessons learned, and strategies employed by insurers entering the inclusive insurance market. Case studies highlighting the experiences of successful co-operative and mutual insurers will be featured. In addition, the recently launched projects from the UNDP-ICMIF Insurance Innovation Challenge (IIC) will also be presented. The session will highlight the following key areas: 


    1. What are the key ingredients for the success of co-operative and mutual insurance? 

    2. How are the experiences of successful co-operative and mutual insurers shared with IIC project partners? 

    3. What can the wider inclusive insurance sector take from the experience of co-operative and mutual insurers?




    Richard Leftely
    Founder, Wavu, United Kingom

    The ICII 2024 offers a unique opportunity to pitch your project in front of an international audience of inclusive insurance experts. Are you looking for partners? Are you looking for funding? Do you want to receive feedback on your approach? We invite participants in the ICII 2024 to pitch their projects. Each pitch will be for up to 5-7 minutes, followed by a 2-minute Q&A session.

    Hosted by ILO




    We know that uninsured risk can cause financial setbacks, weaken resilience and increase the likelihood of persistent poverty. Insurance holds the promise of breaking a part of the perpetuating cycle. However, while traction has been growing over the last 20 years, there is still a lack of supply of insurance that would effectively deliver client value and help build the resilience of unserved and underserved groups. From a more positive perspective, the lack of supply also means that there are opportunities for insurers to further contribute to social and economic development, and benefit from offering viable and responsible insurance solutions. To turn these opportunities into reality, it is important to learn from past successes and failures in inclusive insurance.   


    In this session the ILO’s Impact Insurance Facility will share its latest research on improving the business viability and value of inclusive insurance – useful for those already offering and those planning on offering inclusive insurance. For those new to inclusive insurance, this session will also outline solutions to barriers that could be encountered along the way to market entry. For over a year, the ILO has been conducting new research with a dozen prominent inclusive insurers to better understand the business case. Finding the balance between generating returns and providing excellent client value is not always easy but is possible. During the session we will hear from a panel of leading inclusive insurers to learn more about their challenges and successes over the years. 


    One cannot study the business case without also looking at client vale. Offering good client value and continuously improving it is key to creating a sustained demand for inclusive insurance. Without client value, viability is not possible. This session will therefore include highlights from research using the ILO’s PACE and 3D tools – tools specifically designed to study client value.

    Hosted by MCII




    Traditional disaster response often reacts after disasters strike. The proposed session explores how to bridge this gap by integrating Anticipatory Action (AA) with parametric insurance for proactive financing. This offers several benefits: predictable funding ensures timely implementation of preventive measures, incentivizes investments in risk reduction, fosters accountability through clear payout criteria, and enables rapid response based on forecasts rather than waiting for disaster impact. This session will bring together experts from the insurance and humanitarian sectors to discuss synergies between AA and parametric insurance for building disaster resilience. 

    Hosted by IFC


    Sheila Byenkya
    Head of Inclusive Insurance, Zep Re, Kenya

    Bethwel Murkomen
    Microinsurance Senior Associate, One Acre Fund, Kenya

    Richard Leftley
    Managing Director, Wavu Limited, UK

    Malvern Chirume
    Chief Underwriter, African Risk Capacity (ARC), UK


    Sharon Onyango
    Inclusive Insurance Specialist and Operations Officer, IFC, South Africa


    The uptake of insurance by low- and middle-income families remains low in emerging markets despite over two decades of effort by established insurers and other stakeholders. Over the last few years, most product and distribution model innovation has been driven by non-traditional and more agile insurance entities. Such entities often struggle to get innovative new products or models supported by traditional insurers, or to receive a fair share of the revenue considering their contributions. IFC is facilitating and drawing lessons from the development of new models that enable some innovators to become underwriters, playing a more active role in product and pricing decision making and claim processing.  The objective is to unleash a new wave of innovation that will bring valuable products to low-income households and accelerate the penetration of insurance.

    Two models to be showcased during this session:

    1. One Acre Fund (1AF) Re: 1AF is the largest provider of input credit to smallholder farmers in Africa with over 2 million customers. The organization embeds index insurance – underwritten by local and regional (re)insurers - into the input credit package. Since 2022, IFC has been helping the organization develop “1AF Re”. This is a segregated cell to be hosted by the African Risk Capacity. It will be the first reinsurance vehicle dedicated to smallholder agriculture and will enable 1AF to reinsure its own products. 

    2. Zep Re Ecosystem: Zep Re is an African reinsurer mandated to drive financial inclusion and insurance penetration in Africa. Inspired by 1AF Re, Zep Re has set up an underwriting ecosystem that allows new players to design their own products and pay their own claims. Zep-Re will lead all the insurance and reinsurance arrangements in return for a fee allowing the partner more flexibility and ownership of the customer journey: a market first.

    The objective of the session will be to share details of the above models, lessons learnt so far, and next steps.

    Hosted by Actuarial Society of Nepal


    Ram Kumar Yadav
    Chief Executive Officer, Liberty Micro Life, Nepal

    Prechhya Mathema
    President, Actuarial Society of Nepal (ASN), Nepal

    Michael J. McCord
    Principal & Managing Director, MicroInsurance Centre at Milliman, United States

    Pujan Dhungel Adhikari
    Director, Nepal Insurance Authority (NIA), Nepal


    Diana Almoro
    Regional Lead Asia Pacific, UNDP-IRFF, Thailand

    In recent years, the UN has recognized the importance of effective risk management in sustainable development and the critical role of insurance in achieving this goal. A key component underlying risk management and insurance is actuarial capacity. However, in most developing countries, actuarial capability is weak or non-existent. The challenges these countries face in building actuarial capacity arise from lack of a) supply of actuaries; b) demand for actuaries; and c) the enabling regulatory environment.

    This session will explore the importance of building actuarial capacity in conventional and inclusive insurance markets. It will discuss key challenges faced by different players and the various interventions adopted to develop actuarial professions in some of the developing countries highlighting Nepal’s experience as part of the UNDP-Milliman Global Actuarial Initiative. It will also examine the critical role of insurance regulators and developing agencies in addressing the actuarial gaps in a more systematic way to ensure sustainable development of actuarial profession and delivery of inclusive insurance. 

    Hosted by Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Markets, Risk & Resilience


    Tara Chiu
    Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Markets, University of California Davis, United States

    Jack Farren
    Co-Founder and CEO, Rural Inclusion, United Kingdom

    Balachandran M.K
    Head of Growth, Ibisa Network, India

    Linda Busienei
    Program Manager – Impact Projects and Village Champion Model, Acre Africa, Kenya


    Pranav Prashad 
    Senior Technical Officer, ILO's Social Finance and Impact Insurance Facility, Switzerland

    Farmer organizations have long been used as a medium to reach farmers with climate risk insurance. However, climate risk insurance continues to struggle to reach sustainability and scale. Critical barriers persist, including consumer education, trust, affordability, and inclusivity. While traditional approaches to engagement with farmer groups has facilitated some sector growth, innovative approaches continue to emerge. These innovations both refine what has been done with the past and introduce entirely new approaches to using farmer groups to make insurance solutions affordable, sustainable, and scalable. By engaging more directly with farmers and farmer organizations, diverse partners can better meet the needs that are unique to this stakeholder group and more effectively confront the challenges to these products.

    Day 4 - 24 October 2024

    Hosted by ILO



    Women's socioeconomic status is rising globally, and their influence on household spending is growing. However, their ability to mitigate financial risk remains low, and few insurance companies specifically target women, despite their different risk profiles from men. The insurance industry can significantly enhance financial protection for women by addressing their unique needs, with the potential to earn up to $1.7 trillion by 2030, particularly in emerging markets. Employing women in various roles within the insurance industry can ensure that products and distribution methods meet diverse client needs. More women in the industry can bring valuable perspectives to product design and development. This session will highlight the importance of female distribution agents, gender sensitivity training, and insurers as employers of women. The IFC and ILO's Community of Practices (CoPs) share knowledge to increase women's access to insurance and help insurers become employers of choice for women, with insights from these CoPs included.






    Hosted by UNDP



    The session aims to enhance understanding of climate insurance as a vital tool for achieving development outcomes, examine key principles in government-led climate and pandemic insurance design for low-income populations, and discuss the challenges and opportunities of implementing technology-driven approaches in climate and pandemic insurance solutions.






    Hosted by Munich Re Foundation


    Fasecolda, Colombia

    Farzanah Chowdhury
    MD and CEO, Green Delta Insurance, Bangladesh

    Lemmy Manje
    CEO & Founder, FinProbity Solutions, Zambia


    Dirk Reinhard
    Vice Chair, Munich Re Foundation

    Craig Churchill
    Chief, ILO's Social Finance Programme

    The ICII 2024 marks the 20th International Conference on Inclusive Insurance. Over the past 20 years, microinsurance has emerged as a critical tool for financial inclusion and risk mitigation in underserved communities worldwide. Several key lessons have been learned during this time around the world. The session will highlight the Inclusive Insurance journey in countries that hosted the ICII in the past and aims at developing lessons learnt.





    Day 5 - 25 October 2024