Agenda - Digital inclusive insurance solutions - Zambia
Practitioner seminar
18-19 May 2021 - Digital edition
Agenda - 18 May 2021
Session 1: Context and trends - 9:00 - 10:45 AM CAT
Shipango Muteto
TAG Association/Zep-Re, Zambia
Tresford Chiyavula
Pensions and Insurance Authority (PIA), Zambia
Katherine Pulvermacher
Microinsurance Network, Luxembourg
Dirk Reinhard
Munich Re Foundation, Germany
Betty Wilkinson
FSD Zambia , Zambia
Keynote presentations
Rishi Raithatha
GSMA, United Kingdom
> download presentation
Lucia Schlemmer
Cenfri, South Africa
> download presentation
Lemmy Manje
FinProbity Solutions
> watch the video recording of Session 1
Session 2: Models - 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM CAT
Richard Leftley
Micro Insurance Company, United Kingdom
Jeremy Leach
Inclusivity Solutions, South Africa
Andrew Nkolola
AYO Zambia
Michael McCord
Microinsurance Centre at Milliman, USA
> watch the video recording of Session 2
Session 3: Practice and strategies I - 02:00 - 03:30 PM CAT
Valerie Labi
BIMA Ghana, Ghana
Jeremiah Siage
CoverApp, Kenya
> download presentation
Tauanda Benjamim Chare
> download presentation
Jean Bosco Iyacu
Access to Finance Rwanda
> watch the video recording of Session 3
Agenda - 19 May 2021
Session 4: Practice and strategies II - 9:00 - 10:30 AM CAT
George Kuria
ACRE Africa, Kenya
> download presentation
Elizabeth Mudogo
DigiFarm, Kenya
> download presentation
Agnes Chakonta
Madison Life, Zambia
> download presentation
Dirk Reinhard
Munich Re Foundation, Germany
> watch the video recording of Session 4
Session 5: Regulating insurtech solutions - 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM CAT
Manoji Pandey
A2ii, Germany
Nichola Beyers
Cenfri, South Africa
Namakau Ntini
Pensions and Insurance Authority, Zambia
Janice Angove
Finprobity Solutions/ University of Witwatersrand, South Africa
> download presentation
> watch the video recording of Session 5
Seminar Summary and Wrap Up - 12:30 - 13:00 PM CAT
Mauwa Lungu
FSD Zambia, Zambia
Agnes Chakonta
TAG Association, Madison Life, Zambia