Fog nets in Bolivia Covid-19 causes project interruption
The global spread of the corona pandemic has not stopped at Bolivia's borders either. As early as mid-March 2020 the health emergency was declared - the corona virus paralysed public life. The installation of the first fog collectors in the Alto Veladero project region, planned for April, had to be postponed indefinitely.
Together with the WaterFoundation and the Oswald Foundation, the Munich Re Foundation has been supporting the development of fog nets in Bolivia since autumn 2019. We are working closely with the northern Spanish aid organisation Zabalketa, which has already gained a great deal of experience in the use of fog nets in Peru and Bolivia. Zabalketa won our tender and initiated the project.
Everything looked very good at the beginning of the year. In December 2019, the large material transport for 14 modern CloudFishers, consisting of meshes, galvanised aluminium poles, gutters and much more, set off on the long journey from Hohenbrunn in Bavaria to the highlands of Bolivia. After some logistical surprises and challenges as well as long customs negotiations, the materials finally arrived safely in the municipality of Vallegrande in March 2020 and were received by our local project partner, the Instituto de Capacitación del Oriente (ICO). However, due to the pandemic, the construction materials had to be stored by ICO and have been waiting for their use ever since.

Due to the pandemic, the construction materials for 14 CloudFishers were stored by ICO in Vallegrande and have been waiting for their use since then.

ICO staff measure the course of the water pipes leading from the fog collectors to the villages.
Unfortunately, the economic, social and political situation in Bolivia makes the country particularly vulnerable to the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. The measures imposed have brought the country's economy to a virtual standstill. Hospitals soon reached the limits of their capacity and the health system has been overburdened ever since. The political situation is unstable due to the repeated postponement of new elections. In the project region Alto Veladero, the first people were already infected in March 2020, and since then there have been repeated new infections. Our project partner ICO has made its office and training rooms in Vallegrande available to the local health authorities. The facilities will be used for the care of infected persons. At the moment, the employees work mainly in their home office and try to support the local population as much as possible.