RISK Award Vietnam – Far too much water!
Floods and storms hamper project progress
An interim report

First, Cyclone Nuro hit land in early October and caused damage. However, our mangrove nursery held up well. However, Nuro brought massive rainfall, which led to widespread flooding in the following weeks. The city of Hue was largely flooded, but also the surrounding region. To this day, our tree nursery is also under water. The water is not expected to recede until the next few weeks. Until then, it will not be possible to make a precise inventory of the damage caused. However, we are already receiving estimates from CSRD's project partners.
It looks as if the approximately 18,000 trees planted in the tree nursery last year will tolerate the floods well and suffer little or no damage. Their roots are sufficiently deep. The approximately 12,000 seedlings from this year, on the other hand, had little chance of sprouting roots. Here we will probably have high failure rates after the flood waters run off. While there are thus some hurdles to overcome in the nursery, the project team is making great progress at two other construction sites.
Coastal protection with mangroves

DRR education and visibility
Evaluation and impact measurement
The project in Vietnam is being scientifically monitored by the University of Potsdam. An important component is the evaluation of the project results and impact measurement. For the upcoming public workshops and theatres, a questionnaire has now been developed to record the respondents' attitudes and level of knowledge about Eco-DRR. The results will provide insight into the impact of the educational work. Gaps can then be closed through targeted further information measures.
In the second year of the project, the RISK Award team has achieved a lot. Most of the goals set were achieved. However, due to the massive flood events - for the second year in a row - there were one or two setbacks in the mangrove nursery. It is precisely these risks that show how important a healthy, resilient coastline is for the people of Hue and beyond.