Climate Academy Results
Publications & Links
Since 2005, the Munich Re Foundation has organised the so-called Summer Academies in partnership with UNU-EHS. For a few years they were called Summer Academies on Social Vulnerability, later Resilience Academies or Climate Academies. What they all had in common was that we looked at specific issues related to the umbrella topic of climate change. In the early 2010s, for example, we played a role in shaping the debate on loss and damage. Over the years, very esteemed partners have accompanied us at the Academy. ICCCAD (Bangladesh), UNU-INRA (Ghana), LMU Munich (Germany) and the Climate Secretariat UNFCCC, among others. The Academies have three objectives:
- Build networks
- Act as a think tank for the UN climate debate
- Initiate publications and projects
A number of publications have emerged from the Academies' networks. In the table below you will find a selection of publications from the last 10 years. We are proud to have contributed to this knowledge generation and dissemination through the academies.
Title | Author | Journal / Publisher | Kind of article | Publication date | Link |
World Risk and Adaptation Futures – Addressing Emerging Trends in Climate Change Risks and Adaptation | Himanshu Shekhar, Nicholle Koko Warner, Matthias Garschagen et al. | Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences | Special Issue Collection | 2024 | more |
Navigating tensions in climate change-related planned relocation | Giovanna Gini, Annah Piggott-McKellar et al. | Ambio (Springer) | Peer reviewed scientific article | 2024 | more |
Digitalization: A Game Changer for Local Governments & Communities | Pourya Salehi, David Corbett et al. | ICLEI | Policy brief | 2023 | more |
Linking climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction: reconceptualizing flood risk governance in Mumbai | Theresa Zimmermann, Swati Shinde, D Parthasarathy, NC Narayanan | Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences | Special Issue Contribution | 2023 | more |
Unlocking the interaction of social restriction and social protection in Indonesia’s COVID-19 policy: future risk and adaptation | Yanu Endar Prasetyo, Gusti Ayu Ketut Surtiari &Nawawi | Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences | Special Issue Contribution | 2023 | more |
Outcomes of migration as adaptation: a conceptual framework for migration governance | Kali Abel, Brian Katz, Stefan Rose, David Wrathall | Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences | Special Issue Contribution | 2023 | more |
A framework to assess the role of social cash transfers in building adaptive capacity for climate resilience | Sayanti Sengupta, Cecilia Costella | Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences | Special Issue Contribution | 2023 | more |
Threats from weather events, urbanization and resilience: A case study of a coastal geography in India | Satabdi Datta, Joyashree Roy | Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences | Special Issue Contribution | 2023 | more |
Integrating Planned Relocation in National Climate Action | David Durand-Delacre, Carolyne Jepkor Cherop, Kees van der Geest et. al. | UNU-EHS | Policy brief | 2023 | more |
Co-production of climate change vulnerability assessment : A case study of the Indian Lesser Himalayan region, Darjeeling | Parveen Kumar & Christopher Brewster | Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences | Special Issue Contribution | 2022 | more |
Digitalization for transformative urbanization, climate change adaptation, and sustainable farming in Africa: trend, opportunities, and challenges | Abdul-Lateef Balogun, Naheem Adebisi, Ismaila Rimi Abubakar, Umar Lawal Dano & Abdulwaheed Tella | Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences | Special Issue Contribution | 2022 | more |
The influence of socioeconomic factors on individual and household adaptation strategies to climate change risks in Port Harcourt, Nigeria | Olasunkanmi Habeeb Okunola, Mulala Danny Simatele & Oluwaseun Olowoporoku | Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences | Special Issue Contribution | 2022 | more |
Social protection in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation: A bibliometric and thematic review | Irfan Ahmad Rana, Sifullah Khaled, Ali Jamshed & Adnan Nawaz | Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences | Special Issue Contribution | 2022 | more |
Urban climate governance in Southeast Asian small and mid-sized cities: undermining resilience and distributing risks unevenly | Danny Marks & Gwenn Pulliat | Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences | Special Issue Contribution | 2022 | more |
Underlying vulnerabilities and inequalities compromise COVID-19 response - Perspectives on India and beyond | Himanshu Shekhar, Parveen Kumar, Richa Sharma, Mar Moure, Simone Sandholz, Michael Hagenlocher, Saskia E. Werners | Applied Geography Journal | Peer reviewed scientific article | 2022 | more |
Urban resilience in the fourth industrial revolution: Transformative digitalization in European smart cities to address climate change | Abdul-Lateef Balogun, Himanshu Shekhar, Paulina Budryte, Olasunkanmi Habeeb Okunola, Teslim Abdul-Kareem, Ismaila Rimi Abubakar, Yusuf A. Aina, Abdulwaheed Tella, Shamsudeen T. Yekeen | Springer | Book chapter | 2022 | more |
The consideration of future risk trends in national adaptation planning: conceptual gaps and empirical lessons | Matthias Garschagen, Deepal Doshi, Mar Moure, Harrhy James, Himanshu Shekhar | Climate Risk Management Journal | Peer reviewed scientific article | 2022 | more |
The Drivers of Child Mortality During the 2012–2016 Drought in La Guajira, Colombia | Diana Contreras, Jana Junghardt, et al. | International Journal of Disaster Risk Science | Peer reviewed scientific article | 2020 | more |
Trapped in the prison of the mind: Notions of climate-induced (im)mobility decision-making and wellbeing from an urban informal settlement in Bangladesh | Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson, Dominic Kniveton & Terry Cannon | The Nature | Peer reviewed scientific article | 2020 | more |
The Integrated Spatial Pattern of Child Mortality during the 2012−2016 Drought in La Guajira, Colombia | Diana Contreras | Sustainability | Peer reviewed scientific article | 2019 | more |
Gender, environment and migration in Bangladesh | Kathinka Fossum Evertsen, Kees van der Geest | Climate and Development | Peer reviewed scientific article | 2019 | more |
I will not go, I cannot go: cultural and social limitations of disaster preparedness in Asia, Africa, and Oceania | Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson, Dominic Kniveton, Terry Cannon | Disasters | Peer reviewed scientific article | 2019 | more |
Assessing the Potentials of Digitalization as a Tool for Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Development in Urban Centres | Abdul-Lateef Balogun, Danny Marks, Richa Sharma, Himanshu Shekhar, Chiden Balmes, Dikman Maheng, Adnan Arshad, Pourya Salehi | Sustainable Cities and Society Journal | Peer reviewed scientific article | 2019 | more |
Climate change, environmental stress and loss of livelihoods can push people towards illegal activities: a case study from coastal Bangladesh | Istiakh Ahmed, Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson, Kees van der Geest | Climate and Development | Peer reviewed scientific article | 2019 | more |
Muzaffar - 'Hard work and a harvester machine' | Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson, Istiakh Ahmed, Laurens Nijzink | UNU-EHS | Video | 2019 | more |
The fight of the WAYUU ethnic Community against the DROUGHT in La Guajira, Colombia | Diana Contreras | Recovery & Resileince | Blog article | 2018 | more |
The Conceptual Birth of Trapped Populations and the Danger of Using it as a Policy Tool | Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson, Christopher D. Smith, Dominic Kniveton | TRANS RE | Scientific blog article | 2018 | more |
A discursive review of the textual use of ‘trapped’ in environmental migration studies: The conceptual birth and troubled teenage years of trapped populations | Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson, Christopher D. Smith, Dominic Kniveton | Ambio (Springer) | Peer reviewed scientific article | 2018 | more |
Exploring and Managing Adaptation Frontiers with Climate Risk Insurance | Laura Schäfer, Koko Warner, Sönke Kreft | Springer | Book chapter | 2018 | more |
Attribution: How Is It Relevant for Loss and Damage Policy and Practice? | Rachel A. James, Richard G. Jones, Emily Boyd | Springer | Book chapter | 2018 | more |
Non-economic Loss and Damage and the Warsaw International Mechanism | Olivia Serdeczny | Springer | Book chapter | 2018 | more |
The Impacts of Climate Change on Ecosystem Services and Resulting Losses and Damages to People and Society | Kees van der Geest, Alex de Sherbinin, Stefan Kienberger, Zinta Zommers, Asha Sitati, Erin Roberts, Rachel Jame | Springer | Book chapter | 2018 | more |
The More Things Change: Resilience, Complexity, and Diplomacy Are Still Top Priorities in 2018 | Roger-Mark De Souza | New Security Beat | Scientific blog article | 2018 | more |
Environmental migrants, climate ‘refugees’ and sun-seeking expats: capturing the larger context of migration in a changing climate through appropriate and effective behavioural research | Dominic Kniveton, Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson, Christopher D. Smith | Routledge International Handbooks | Book chapter | 2018 | more |
When the disaster strikes: Immobility Decision-Making in the context of Environmental Shocks and Climate Change Impacts | Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson | n.a. | PhD Thesis | 2018 | more |
The 2018 report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: shaping the health of nations for centuries to come | Nick Watts, Markus Amann, Nigel Arnell | The Lancet | Peer reviewed scientific article | 2018 | more |
Sahia - 'We cannot afford honour' | Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson, Istiakh Ahmed, Laurens Nijzink | UNU-EHS | Video | 2018 | more |
UNU-EHS expert in pioneering Lancet Countdown study on climate change and health | UNU-EHS | UNU-EHS | Web article | 2017 | more |
Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson’s Lancet research featured in Brazilian media | UNU-EHS | UNU-EHS | Web article | 2017 | more |
Resilience Academy Bulletin No. 4 | Istiakh Ahmed, Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson | UNU-EHS | Bulletin | 2017 | more |
Facing disasters: Lessons learned from a Bangladeshi island | Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson | The Conservation | Scientific blog article | 2017 | more |
Living Planet: Climate change worse for women | n.a. | DW | Radio Contribution | 2017 | more |
A typology of loss and damage perspectives | Emily Boyd, Rachel A. James, Richard G. Jones | Nature Climate Change | Peer reviewed scientific article | 2017 | more |
What Is Loss and Damage from Climate Change? First Academic Study Reveals Different Perspectives, Challenging Questions | Emily Boyd, Richard G. Jones, Rachel James | New Security Beat | Scientific blog article | 2017 | more |
Lack of spatial resilience in recovery process: Case L'Aquila, Italy | Diana Contreras, Thomas Blaschke, Michael E. Hodgson | Technological Forecasting and Social Change | Peer reviewed scientific article | 2017 | more |
The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: from 25 years of inaction to a global transformation for public health | Nick Watts, Markus Amann, Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson | The Lancet | Peer reviewed scientific article | 2017 | more |
In flood prone South Asia, early warning messages buy precious time | Irwin Loy | The New Humanitarian | Web article | 2017 | more |
Nurmia - 'If we had left earlier...' | Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson, Istiakh Ahmed, Laurens Nijzink | UNU-EHS | Video | 2017 | more |
Loss and Damage Livelihood Resilience | Kees van der Geest, Soenke Kreft, Zinta Zommers | UNU-EHS | Working Paper | 2016 | more |
Policy Brief No.10: Loss and Damage - Livelihood Resilience | Summer Academy Participants 2016 | UNU-EHS | Policy brief | 2016 | more |
What money cannot buy back: non-economic loss and damage | Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson | UNU-EHS | Scientific blog article | 2016 | more |
Resilience Academy Bulletin No. 3 | Istiakh Ahmed, Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson | UNU-EHS | Bulletin | 2016 | more |
From Top-Down to “Community-Centric” Approaches to Early Warning Systems: Exploring Pathways to Improve Disaster Risk Reduction Through Community Participation | Marie-Ange Baudoin, Sarah Henly-Shepard, Nishara Fernando, Zinta Zommers | International Journal of Disaster Risk Science (Springer) | Peer reviewed scientific article | 2016 | more |
A Climate Migrant's Story from an Urban Slum in Dhaka | Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson | Our World | Scientific blog article | 2016 | more |
This Bangladeshi woman can tell you how real climate change is | Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson | The Conservation | Scientific blog article | 2016 | more |
Finding Resilience in the Aftermath of Cyclone Roanu in Bangladesh | Michael De Souza | New Security Beat | Scientific blog article | 2016 | more |
The armed conflict as stressor of the climate change consequences - Colombian case | Diana Contreras | 6th IDRC Davos 2016 | Conference Paper | 2016 | more |
The Lancet countdown: tracking progress on health and climate change | Nick Watts, W. Neil Adger, Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson | The Lancet | Peer reviewed scientific article | 2016 | more |
Understanding the sociomaterial boundary qualities of livelihood resilience to climate change | Christopher Lawless | UNU-EHS | Working Paper | 2015 | more |
Maintaining and building ‘place’ through managed and forced community relocations | Helen Adams, Ryan Alaniz, Robin Bronen and Karen McNamara | UNU-EHS | Working Paper | 2015 | more |
Livelihood resilience in a changing world – 6 global policy recommendations for a more sustainable future | Ayeb-Karlsson, Sonja, Tanner, Thomas, Barthelt, Christian, et. Al. | UNU-EHS | Working Paper | 2015 | more |
Insecure hope: the challenges faced by urban slum dwellers in Bhola Slum, Bangladesh | Karen E. McNamara, Laura L. Olson & Md. Ashiqur Rahman | Migration and development | Peer reviewed scientific article | 2015 | more |
Re-framing islands as champions of resilience | Karen McNamara, Sarah Henly-Shepard, Roger-Mark De Souza, Nishara Fernando | UNU-EHS | Working Paper | 2015 | more |
Differentiated migration as community disassembly: resilience perspectives on catastrophic disturbances in livelihood systems | David Wrathall | UNU-EHS | Working Paper | 2015 | more |
Risk begets more risk: how rural-urban migration can bring insecure hope | Karen E. McNamara, Laura L. Olson | UNU-EHS | Scientific blog article | 2015 | more |
Gibika seminar on livelihood resilience research and practise | UNU-EHS | UNU-EHS | Seminar | 2015 | more |
Resilience Academy Bulletin No. 2 | Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson, Kees van der Geest, T. Khanom | UNU-EHS | Bulletin | 2015 | more |
A people-centred perspective on climate change, environmental stress, and livelihood resilience in Bangladesh | Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson, Kees van der Geest, Istiakh Ahmed, Saleemul Huq, Koko Warner | Sustainability Science (Springer) | Peer reviewed scientific article | 2015 | more |
Nepal Earthquake: Preparing and Planning for the next Disaster | Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson | Our World | Scientific blog article | 2015 | more |
No Need for Luck to Survive: Why We Should Care about Disaster Risk Reduction | Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson | Our World | Scientific blog article | 2015 | more |
How can wie design more sustainable migration policy? | Global Diplomacy Lab | Vimeo | Video | 2015 | more |
The view from below | Hans Dembowski | D+C Development and Cooperation | Web article | 2015 | more |
Participatory Exclusion – Cyclone Sidr and Its Aftermath | Md. Nadiruzzaman, David Wrathall | Geoforum | Peer reviewed scientific article | 2015 | more |
Violence as an obstacle to livelihood resilience | Beth Tellmann, Andrea Rivera Sosa, Ryan Alaniz, Diana Contreras | UNU-EHS | Working Paper | 2014 | more |
Loss and Damage to Ecosystem Services | Zinta Zommers, David Wrathall, Kees van der Geest | UNU-EHS | Working Paper | 2014 | more |
Early warning systems and livelihood resilience: exploring opportunities for communities’ participation | Marie-Ange Baudoin, Sarah Henly-Shepard, Nishara Fernando, Zinta Zommers | UNU-EHS | Working Paper | 2014 | more |
Resilience Academy Bulletin No. 1 | David Wrathall, Sonja Ayeb-Karlsson | UNU-EHS | Bulletin | 2014 | more |
Livelihood Resilience in the Face of Climate Change | Thomas Tanner, David Lewis, David Wrathall, Nick Cradock-Henry et al | Nature Climate Change | Peer reviewed scientific article | 2014 | more |
Segregated building as a spatial indicator of the lack of resilience | Diana Contreras et al | The Resilience Academy | Conference Paper | 2013 | more |
Addressing loss and damage in the context of social vulnerability and resilience | Anthony Oliver-Smith, Susan L. Cutter, Koko Warner, | UNU-EHS | Policy brief | 2012 | more |
Mainstreaming Gender into Uganda’s REDD+ Strategy | Simon Peter Amunau | IUCN Uganda | Working Paper | 2012 | more |