Climate crisis, climate policy - without international partnerships we will not be able to keep the 2 degree limit

With this evaluation, the consultants of Germanwatch seek to talk to the representatives of the pre-selected countries, for example at the COP 25 in Madrid in December 2019, to discuss together where there are gaps and potentials. Recommendations for action can then be submitted to the BMZ or – in the best case – concrete joint, improving projects can already be envisaged. In Madrid meetings were held with delegates from India, South Africa and Chile. The project team acts as a mediator between BMZ, BMU and the selected countries.
It is important that these meetings are attended not only by advisors and political representatives but also by participants from civil society, academia and the private sector. They are often better able to report on real projects and provide support in managing them. In Madrid, for example, Sanjey Vashist from the Climate Action Network South Asia explained, how the Indian state of Sikkim can serve as a model. The entire agricultural sector here has already been converted to organic farming and has thus been able to reduce its CO2 emissions considerably. But Sikkim himself still has a lot to do on the resilience side. These tasks include solutions to the massive water shortage for many months of the year and solutions to the danger of glacial lake outbursts, which may occur due to the increasing glacial melting.