Seminar on Climate Justice
in cooperation with the Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing
12 - 13 May 2023
The large discrepancy between the countries or population groups that suffer the most from the effects of global warming and those that have contributed the most shows that human-induced climate change is directly linked to issues of equity:
Each generation is affected differently by climate change. The impacts of climate change are felt especially in the Global South, particularly among vulnerable population groups. Whether in urban, suburban or rural areas, the necessary adaptations in terms of living space or mobility present major challenges for policy-makers. In addition, structural change in industry is challenging old business models as well as creating new economic winners and losers.
The seminar addressed the asymmetric distribution of the opportunities and burdens of climate change in the different sectors of the economy and society and aimed to contribute to the realisation of the socio-ecological transformation by developing innovative ideas.
Read the conference report here
Seminar programme
Friday, 12 May 2023
14:45 / Welcome
Dr. Giulia Mennillo
Akademie für politische Bildung
Renate Bleich
Chair of Munich Re Foundation
15:00 / Intergenerational Justice
Foundation for the Rights of Future Generations (FRFG)
Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen
17:00 / Socio-economic Justice
The Club of Rome
Saturday, 13 May 2023
09:00 / Sustainable living and mobility
Prof. Dr. Meike Jipp (TBC)
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)
Prof. Dr. Elisabeth Merk
City Planning Councillor of the City of Munich
11:00 / Industrial structural change
Thorben Albrecht
IG Metall
Thomas Becker
BMW Group
14:00 / Global climate injustice
Germanwatch e.V.
16:00 / Panel discussion: How do we implement the socio-ecological transformation?
Eva Lotta Metz
Fridays for Future
Prof. Dr. Claudia Traidl-Hoffmann (online)
University of Augsburg
Prof. Dr. Dr. Peter Höppe
Dr. Giulia Mennillo
Akademie für politische Bildung
Seminar Chair
Dr. Giulia Mennillo
Akademie für Politische Bildung
Renate Bleich
Munich Re Foundation